- maupasi Enriques,1908的同物異名;, 1965 and Paracolpoda maupasi (Enriques, 1908) Lynn, 1975 could be regarded as synonyms of C.
- 第22屆和24屆美國總統(1837-1908)。22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908).
- SH波SH wave
- 第36屆美國總統;被選為副總統併當肯尼迪遇刺後繼任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
- SH膠SHagent
- SH抗體antibody SH; aSH
- Davenport(1908)和Bruce(1910)提出顯性假說,Shull(1908)和East(1908)提出超顯性假說。Davenport (1908) and Bruce (1910) brought forward the dominance hypothesis, and almost at the same time Shull (1908) and East (1908) took out their over-dominance hypothesis.
- SH方程fisher-Kolmogorov equation
- 1908奧運會期間,埃希爾貝特-塔爾博特主教在為運動員佈道時的講話被顧拜旦採用,成為奧林匹克信條。Pierre de Coubertin got the creed from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games.
- SH塗料SH paint
- 它於1904、1908和1920年重現奧運會體壇,但此後又銷聲匿跡了一段時間,直到1972年才得到恢復。It returned in 1904, 1908, and 1920, before vanishing until 1972.
- SH檢測SH test
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學家,因研製出放射性碳測年代技術而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎。American chemist. He won a1960 Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- SH-9766SH-9766
- 默羅,愛德華·羅(斯考)1908-1965美國廣播記者,因其在二戰期間有過來自倫敦的激動人心的真實報道而廣為人知American broadcast journalist noted for his dramatic factual reports from London during World War II.
- SH板波SH-plate waves
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學家,因研製出放射性碳測年代技術而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎American chemist.He won a1960Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- SH大鼠SHRs
- 哪個城市獲得1908夏季奧運會舉辦權,但由於1906年維蘇威火山爆發毀滅性破壞而不得不放棄並由倫敦舉辦。Which city was originally awarded the1908 Summer Games,but had to relinquish it to London after the costly destruction caused by the1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?