- Some songs change BPM during the course of play. 有些歌曲在播放的過程中會改變BPM。
- You are wat!ng for a love that no resu!t. 伱在等待壹份沒有結果的愛.
- Everyth i ng's new a nd exc i t ing. 什麼事兒都很新奇,也很讓人興奮。
- T hi s i s NP R Ne ws f r o m Was hi ng t o n. 聲明:本資料由聽力課堂網站收集整理,僅供英語愛好者學習使用,資料版權屬於原作者。
- I t i s sa i d th at the ex-v i ce manager d i d not l i ke her ways she does th i ngs, and proposed to GM for chang i ng her pos i t i on. 據說,我們的前副總不喜歡她的做事方式,就建議總經理更換她的工作。
- T o l e a r n t o f orgive by pra c t i c i ng f orgivenes s . 去了解深深地傷害我們所愛的人只需要幾秒鐘,然而要癒合這個傷口需要許多年;
- We can take h im out to t he park every morn i ng and even i ng. 我們每天早晨很晚上都帶他去公園。
- T: Very good! When you listen to the song, what do you think of it? 聽到這首歌的時候你想到了什麼?
- If error message shown, pl ease set up t h e rout i ng poi nt agai n . 如果兩個路徑點不能連接,請重新設定路徑點。
- I w i ll i nv i te you for d i nner i f I get A in my wr i t i ng cl a ss. 如果我的寫作課能得到A,我就會請你吃飯。
- Her song,Don' t Know Why,written by Jesse Harris,won the song of the year. 由傑西·哈里斯作詞、她所演唱的歌曲《不知何故》奪得了最佳單曲獎。
- A porter strolled up the aisle, whistling a song Pemberton didn』t recognize. 一位搬運工哼著一支不知名的曲子順著過道慢悠悠地走了過來。
- That will be a total of eighty N T. 那總共八十台幣。
- Keesh watched the bear tha t whole day. 季奚那一整天都在旁邊看著它。
- Don』t scrawl all over the wall. 不要在牆上亂塗亂畫。
- Remember to cross your t's when you're writing. 寫字時別忘了在t 字母上畫橫線
- Don』t confound public affairs with private ones. 不要把公事與私事混為一談。
- If you don』t like it, I』ll trade with you. 如果你不喜歡,我跟你換。
- He screeched that he didn』t do it. 他尖叫著說他沒做那事。