- Yen Chen-ch』ing of T』ang dynasty is not only an outstanding calligraphist but also an excellent litterateur specializing in archaic prose. 顏真卿是唐代傑出的書法家,同時在文學方面尤其是古文創作上亦取得了一定的成就。
- Miss T'ang opened her eyes wide in amazement. 唐小姐也睜大了眼。
- Shark Fin Experts at the T'ang Garden Restaurant! 唐苑酒家,魚翅專家!
- Abstract : Th is paper p resents the cur rent situat i on and issues in English teach ing in Ch ina .It also t r ies to explore how Cooperat ive L earning p revailing in the U. 摘要:本文分析了我國英語課堂教學的現狀及面臨的問題,探討了美國教育學家倡導的合作學習原則及其在我國英語教學中的運用。
- This Hotei lived in the T'ang dynasty. 布袋和尚生在唐朝。
- Under December's T'ang blue blank page. 覆蓋著唐代十二月憂傷的白紙。
- Everyth i ng's new a nd exc i t ing. 什麼事兒都很新奇,也很讓人興奮。
- Li Lin-fu was a prime minister of China during the T'ang dynasty. 此人若論才藝倒也不錯,能書善畫。但若論品德,那是壞透了。
- A n elegan t handw rit ing, like the elegan thand that w ro te it. 優美的字跡,就像寫字的那隻優美的手。
- The docto r did everyth ing necessary to save thepat ien t. 醫生盡了一切必要的努力來搶救這個病人。
- PAN G CH T , L UO S B. Advanced asp heric surface machining technology[J ]. 龐長濤;羅松保.;非球面加工先進技術[J]
- The next day when he arrived at the Sus, Miss T'ang was already there. 明天他到蘇家,唐小姐已先到了。
- It suddenly occurred to Fang that Miss T'ang did not use any makeup. 他忽然想唐小姐並不十妝飾。
- Weinstein, S., "imperial Patonage in the Formation of T'ang Buddhism. (帝王的支持與唐代佛教的形成)。
- I'm totally agai t your proposal of shi ing the goods one month later. 我完全反對一個月後運貨的建議。
- That will be a total of eighty N T. 那總共八十台幣。
- Lai CH, Liou SH, Shih TS, Tsai PY, Chen HL, Buckley T, Strickland P, Jaakkola JJK. 賴錦皇,楊燦,何淑棻,陳慶峰,劉紹興,林惠卿,陳金順,蔡朋枝,石東生。
- Keesh watched the bear tha t whole day. 季奚那一整天都在旁邊看著它。
- Don』t scrawl all over the wall. 不要在牆上亂塗亂畫。