- sf-628sf-628
- 平湖市興平一路628號No.628 pinghu xing ping one road. Side, pinghu, zhejiang china
- 卡爾可夫蘇聯歐洲部分中南部城市,位於基輔以東,建於1656年,是17世紀忠於俄國沙皇的烏克蘭哥薩克人的重要前線司令部,今天它是一個重要的工業中心和交通樞紐。人口1,554,000A city of south-central European U.S.S.R. east of Kiev. Founded in1656, it was an important17th-century frontier headquarters of Ukrainian Cossacks who were loyal to the Russian czars. Today it is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population, 1, 554, 000.
- 玄奘在公元628年翻過火焰山。Xuanzang crossed the Flaming Mountain in the year A.D.628.
- (唐)玄奘在公元628年翻過火焰山。Xuanzang crossed the Flaming Mountain in the year A.D.628.
- 極早熟葡萄新品系628及其栽培技術A new very early grape strain 628 and its cultivation
- Te3與mVe呈負相關(r=-0.628,P<0.01)。Te3 during diastole was correlated negatively with mVe(r=-0.628,P<0.01).
- (約公元前628-551)建立索羅亞斯德教的波斯先知。(circa 628-551 BC) Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism.
- 麗恢628及其抗旱雜交稻新組合的選育初報Breeding of Rice Restoring Line Lihui 628 and Its Hybrid Rice with Physiological Traits for Drought Resistance
- 628例尿沉渣檢驗中幾個問題的分析探討Analysis and exploration of a few problems in urinary sediment examination of 628 cases
- 穆罕默德的使者也來找過這位君主 (628年)。To this monarch also (in 628) came messengers from Muhammad.
- 628年科斯洛埃斯二世被他的兒子篡位和殺害了。In 628 Chosroes II was deposed and murdered by his son.
- 628株大腸桿菌Col質粒的檢測及其實際應用的探討The Detection of Col Plasmids of 628 Strains of E.Coli And A Research for Its Practical Applicaton
- 628例原發性閉角型青光眼的小梁病理改變及其臨床意義Pathological changes of the trabeculae in 628 cases of primary angle-closure glaucoma and their clinical significance
- 域本地組成員更改另一帳戶的密碼時出現錯誤審計事件ID 628Failure audit event ID 628 occurs when the domain local group member changes the password of another account
- 方法對來診的628例眩暈患者進行甘油試驗及眼震電圖檢查。Method Glycerine test and electronystagram(ENG) were used in 628 patients with vertigo symptom.
- 據稱,由於食用被沙門氏菌污染的花生醬而患病的人數已由425漲至628人。A new report says the number of people sickened by peanut butter tainted with salmonella has grown from425 to628.
- 新型紅色(628 nm)、橙色(605 nm)及黃色(588 nm)LED具有高達7.5mcd的光強度New Red (628 nm), Orange (605 nm), and Yellow (588 nm) LEDs Offer Luminous Intensity up to 7.5 Mcd
- 一則新的報道稱,因吃了被沙門氏菌污染的花生醬而得病的人數從425上升到628.A new report says the number of people sickened by peanut butter tainted with salmonella has grown from 425 to 628.
- 豐田凱美瑞車呢,他們一天能賣出628輛,我也搞不清楚凱美瑞這個名字是什麼意思。Toyota Camry, they sell 628 of these cars a day, whatever a Camry is.