- Su Dongpo "Perlman as chewing on" verse. 蘇東坡有「小餅如嚼月」的詩句。
- Fo Yin and Su Dongpo came to the teahouse to have tea. 佛印和蘇東坡到茶館來喝茶。
- But there are a lot of bantering works in the poems of Su Dongpo. 然東坡詩中有大量的戲謔調侃之作。
- Roughly speaking Su Dongpo used affairs and rhetoric in versifying. 大體有用事與用辭兩端。
- Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo? 誰的詩歌讓中國的讀者想起杜甫或者李白?還有蘇東坡呢?
- On the Two Aspects of Su Dongpo's Ci 讀東坡詞札記二題
- Chapter two categorizes Bi-cheng"s Ci and assesses their features and styles. 第二章把碧城詞作分門別類,描述碧城詞作概貌並分析其風格;
- This is the Su Causeway. It was built in 1089 when Su Dongpo supervised the dredging of the lake. 這是蘇堤,是1089年蘇東坡監督清湖的時候建的。
- In China today, it is a rare chance indeed to see an authentic painting by Su Dongpo. 蘇東坡的畫,在中國不易見到。
- It is said that Su Dongpo and FoYin had a visit to the Tian Zhu temple by the lake. They saw that the statue Kwan-yin twirled prayer beads. 據說有一回,蘇東坡與佛印禪師一起在杭州西湖邊的上天竺寺游訪。他們見到廟裡塑著觀世音菩薩手捻念珠的形象。
- Su Dongpo asked FoYin: "Kwan-yin became to the Buddha long long ago, but why did he still twirl payer beads? 蘇東坡就問佛印:「觀世音菩薩,豈不是老早老早以前便已成佛?他還捻個念珠做什麼?」
- Li E" s Ci had gained great complishment, not only in the very year, but also in later year, brought about frofound and lasting effection. 厲鶚詞取得了很高的藝術成就,在當時和後世都產生了深遠的影響。
- Su Dongpo felt very guilty, and reminded the waiter to be polite to Fo Yin. But the waiter was a snob and still more passionate to Su Dongpo. 蘇東坡感到過意不去,幾次提醒侍者對佛印客氣些。但是侍者顯然是一個非常勢利的小人,依然對蘇東坡明顯的更熱情些。
- The appraisal and comments of Su Dongpo, a famous poet in Song dynasty, are on the piece of work. 這幅作品上還有宋代蘇東坡的品題呢!
- Abstract: Being learned, Su Dongpo used abundant allusions in his poetry and was good at assimilation. 文章摘要: 蘇軾學問繁富,詩中用典豐縟,千變萬化,善於熔鑄,做到「神仙點瓦礫為黃金。」
- His courtesy name is Zidan, self-titled Dongpo Jushi and is often referred to as Su Dongpo . 蘇軾,字子瞻,號東坡居士,普遍被稱為蘇東坡。
- Su Dongpo's writings and paintings are of great value, and collected by many at very high prices. 蘇東坡的舊跡價值連城,被很多人高價收藏。
- Almost dumbstruck, Su Dongpo then told the truth and asked Wang Anshi to tell him how to distinguish the water in one gorge from that in another. 蘇軾愕然,就將過巫峽忘記取水之事,告訴王安石,並請教如何識別三峽水之異。
- During his term of office, Su Dongpo, like Bai Juyi before him, had also had the lake dredged and a causeway constructed, which is Su'Ti today. 蘇軾在任上,跟白居易一樣也疏湖造堤,築成了今日的蘇堤。
- The well-known poet, Su Dongpo once metaphorizes the knot in his heart by 「tree node」.「Knot」 in the popular Chinese means 「lump (GeDa)」. 塊壘即「結」,著名的蘇東坡也曾在他的繪畫中用「樹結」比喻他心中的結。