- Facilitating development of a strategic plan. 制定發展戰略計劃。
- What is the focus of my strategic plan? 焦點問題?
- This completely upset the enemy's strategic plan and troop disposition. 這完全打亂了敵人的戰略計劃和軍事部署。
- Part 5: To Ascertain the strategic plan and enforcing content of CECF. 第五部分:確定廣交會的發展戰略方案及要實施的內容。
- Is ABC's quality strategic planning effective? 公司的質量戰略規劃是否有效?
- To plan, formulate, produce and direct strategic plans for each show. 計劃,制定,指導每個展的戰略計劃。
- A,I prefer to make strategic plans and let others execute them. 我習慣去制定戰略計劃,然後讓別人執行。
- The department,in collaboration with the regional members,devised a two-year Regional Strategic Plan for 2001 and 2002. 香港海關與區內成員合力制定了二零零一年及二零零二年的地區策略綱領。
- An excellent strategic plan is base on the data and the experience of the actuality. 一個出色的戰略計劃是基於實際數據和經驗之上的。
- Get the strategic plan down on paper and the right organization structure will pop out with ease, grace, and beauty. 只要把戰略計劃在紙上這麼一寫,正確的組織結構就會冒出來,輕而易舉,又冠冕堂皇,又美觀大方。
- The council had a busy and exciting year in 1996-97 as it was the first year for the implementation of its Five-Year Strategic Plan. 對藝術發展局來說,一九九六至九七年度是既繁忙又令人興奮的一年,因為這是該局推行其5年策略計劃的第一年。
- The council has three boards and six committees to handle the various subjects and to help formulate long-term strategic plan. 藝術發展局設有3個專責委員會及6個藝術小組委員會,專責處理不同項目,以及協助該局制訂長遠發展策略。
- History has proved that nothing is more difficult in war than to adhere to a single strategic plan. 歷史證明戰爭中最難的,是固執一簡單的戰略計劃。
- The Georgia Ports Authority had a vision and long-term strategic plan to prepare for future growth. Georgia Ports Authority富有遠見,並對未來的發展作好了長期戰略規劃。
- The large-scale culture and trade activities concerted development strategic plan in the West of China. 配合國家西部大開發戰略的大型系列文化經貿活動。
- How to integrate with organizational strategic plans and operational needs? 如何與組織的戰略計劃和經營需要相結合?
- If they are staring out of the window, Put them on strategic planning. 如果他們正盯著看窗戶外面,他們應該呆在策略計劃部。
- Companies usually prepare annual plans, long-range plans, and strategic plans. 公司通常要制定年度計劃、長期計劃和戰略計劃。
- The council drew up its first Strategic Plan in December 1995, setting the blueprint for the development of the arts in Hong Kong. 該局於一九九五年十二月制訂其首個5年策略計劃,為本港日後的藝術發展定下藍本。
- Buzzell and Strategic Planning Association chief executive officer Bradley. Buzzell 教授和戰略計劃協會執行總裁Bradley.