- Many people don't like blood sausage. 很多人不喜歡黑香腸。
- He sat, cursing himself, till his tea was stewed. 他坐著咒罵自己,直到把茶煮濃了。
- A short, thick, highly seasoned sausage. 德國蒜腸味道很重的粗短的臘腸
- We stewed the tomatoes with peppers. 我們用辣椒燉番茄。
- We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread. 我們午餐吃大蒜香腸肉加麵包。
- The sausage began to spit in the pan. 鍋里香腸開始滋滋作響。
- We had stewed prunes for breakfast. 我們早飯吃燉梅乾。
- She sliced the onion and put it in the beef stew. 她將洋蔥切片放入燉牛肉中。
- She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase. 她因丟失衣箱焦急萬分。
- Can you taste the garlic in this stew? 你嘗得出燉肉里有大蒜味兒嗎?
- Ratatouille is a provencal dish of stewed vegetable. 普羅旺斯雜燴是一道蔬菜經煮制再加上普羅旺斯濃汁燒的菜。
- She was so stewed up with anxiety that she couldn't sleep. 她焦急萬分,覺也睡不著。
- He sneaked in and stole a sausage. 他偷偷進去偷了一根香腸。
- Apples stewed to a pulp, sweetened, and sometimes spiced. 蘋果醬,蘋果泥燉成果漿后加糖,有時加香料的蘋果製品
- Clara did not enjoy her sausage. 克萊拉並不覺得這香腸好吃。
- There is no need to get into a stew; everything will be all right. 沒有必要煩惱,一切都會好起來的。
- "Sausage take longer to fry," the goblin said. 「香腸更費時間,烤,」地精說。
- The cook dished out the stew as if he were feeding hogs. 廚師端上一大盤肉.好像在餵豬。
- The cook stuffed the chicken with sausage meat. 廚師給雞加填了香腸肉。
- A slice of this type of sausage. 一片辣味香腸