- The paper explored Steven Holl's study on architectural phenomenology through reading his recent work Parallax and explained the concept of fragile architecture. 以斯蒂文·爾的近期著作《視差》為線索,探討了他在建築現象學研究方面的進展,並詮釋了「弱化建築」的概念。
- Steven Holl's retail/ office complex will have sky bridges connecting each of its eight towers. 也由史蒂文-霍爾設計,這一商用辦公綜合樓由天橋連接其八個塔樓。
- Images &Diagrams: Steven Holl Architects;Watercolors: Steven Holl.版權:翻譯 www. 圖解圖片版權:史蒂芬霍爾建築事務所;
- Research on the Ideas and Works of Steven Holl 斯蒂文·霍爾的建築觀及其作品分析
- People have preserved many Shakespeare 's works. 人們已把莎士比亞的許多作品保留下來。
- As a noncommercial architect, Steven Holl's design and practice is always a validation of his theory, or an avant-garde experiment. 作為一名非商業性的建築師,霍爾的設計實踐往往是對他理論思考的一種驗證或者是一種先鋒性的實驗。
- You have never read Gorky』s works ,have you ? 你從未讀過高爾基的作品,是不是?
- In Gulistan』s works, yellow is used extensively. 桑福說,要原創,首先源於自身。
- KIASMA in Finland (Finnish Modern Art Museum) designed by Steven Holl is another successful classical model of phenomenology to architecture. 芬蘭KIASMA(芬蘭現代藝術博物館)的設計,便是霍爾對建築現象學的又一成功的經典演繹。
- Urbanus's sensitivity to historical continuity links the firm to a long line of architects, from Steven Holl to Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura. 經歷的寬廣無疑使他們能從多元的角度看世界,這對於一個建築師來講猶如無價之寶,建築師最為艱巨的任務便是權衡與協調看似無法調和的價值。
- A doctor' s work is very satisfying. 當個醫生是很令人滿意的。
- It' s unfair to devalue anyone' s work unjustly. 不公正地貶低任何人的工作都是不公平的。
- After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . 一天勞累的工作之後,放鬆一下很有好處。
- He' s always missing when there' s work to be done. 一到幹活兒的時候; 他就不見了.
- It' s a bad habit to leave one' s work half done. 工作做了一半就丟開,是個壞習慣。
- Steven Holl's clean lines seem to promise the best combination of beauty and livability, and Mr.Ishiyama's scaffolding-strewn structures make you feel as if you're living in a piece of conceptual art. 斯蒂文.;霍爾那乾淨的線條彷彿已將世界上最美麗與最宜居的因素揉合在一起,而石山先生的腳手架建築結構又彷彿讓您生活在概念藝術的殿堂。
- Subtitle I want Marketing to see X's work. (字幕)我還想看X的作品。
- Maspero, was to continue Mariette』s work. 加斯頓.;馬斯伯樂繼續了瑪里埃特的工作。
- Karl Marx' s works are the treasure of the revolutionary peoples. 卡爾?馬克思的著作是革命人民的寶貴財富。