- When he heard the alarm he started up from his chair and ran out. 他聽到警報時,從椅子上猛地站了起來,跑了出去。
- When she heard the bell,she started up from her chair. 她聽到鈴聲時,從椅子上一躍而起。
- I heard a great cry go up from one of the trainees. 我聽到新兵中有人扯開嗓子的喊聲。
- When she heard the bell, she started up from her chair. 她聽到鈴聲時,從椅子上一躍而起。
- To erase your computer's startup disk, you must start up from another disk. 要抹掉電腦的啟動磁碟,必須從其他磁碟啟動。
- Start up from one's chair 從椅子上站了起來
- Jude started up from his reverie. 裘德從他的冥想中一下醒過來。
- The vacuum is picked up from one of the primary-barrel venturis and is called venturi vacuum. 真空是由主腔中的一個腔的喉管建立的,被稱為喉管真空。
- The boy started up from his seat as soon as he was called. 一有人叫這孩子,他就立馬從座位上跳了起來。
- When the student heard the bell,they started up from their chairs. 學生們聽到鈴聲時,便立即起立。
- When the student heard the bell, they started up from their chairs. 學生們聽到鈴聲時,便立即起立。
- Took a glass vase, put the seashells that last year my husband and daughter picked up from one beach side in Italy.Last, put a heart shape stone. 拿只玻璃水瓶,倒進去年夏天先生和女兒在義大利海邊拾回的貝殼,最後再放上一塊心型石頭。
- Starting up from the kang,he shouted after her: Where are you off to? 他從炕上驀地驚起,沖她嚷道:「你到哪兒去?」
- He hulked up from his chair by the hearth. 他從火爐邊的椅子里懶洋洋地站起來。
- I'm trying to start up a swimming club. 我正在設法成立一個游泳俱樂部。
- She was fresh from one year spent in the U. S. 她剛在美國住了一年回來。
- He was starting up from the plank bed in the half-certainty that he had heard O'Brien's voice. 他在木板床上要坐起身來,好像覺得聽到奧勃良的談話聲。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- For the submontane floor next to the car park, the lift stops there at 1:45 and starts up from there at 2:31. 至於停車場旁的山下層,升降機在1:45停在該處及於2:31由該處起動。
- Heard it from one of the C. O. s over in gen pop. 從一個監獄長那邊的獄警那兒聽說的。