- The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly. 參謀人員在地圖上把這個地區精確地標了出來。
- The director of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee hoped the PFP would send personnel to the mainland to arrange Soong』s visit . 中共中央台灣辦事處主任希望親民黨能派人員來大陸安排宋楚瑜的。
- The president' s visit was called off at the eleventh hour. 總裁的這次訪問到時取消了.
- He is a staff officer in the army. 他在部隊里任參謀。
- The US President' s visit was the most important civic event of the year. 美國總統的來訪是該城市那年的頭等大事。
- A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs. 副官,人事行政參謀幫助指揮官處理行政事務的人事官員
- Cargill started trade with China soon after President Nixon』s visit in 1972. 嘉吉的對華貿易始於1972年尼克松總統訪華后不久。
- He countermanded his instructions to his staff officer. 他撤回了對參謀的命令。
- Correspondence Address : Medical Staff Office, Department of Medicine, 1/F Tseung Kwan O Hospital, 2 Po Ning Lane, Tseung Kwan O. 通訊地址:九龍將軍澳寶寧里二號,將軍澳醫院一字樓,內科醫生辦公室。
- The closing phase of the championship begins with Rimini』s visit to the Olimpico on Saturday. 聯賽後半程的比賽將在本周六打響,球隊將在主場奧林匹克中心迎戰里米尼。
- The senior military staff officer at the division level or higher. 參謀長:師級或師級以上的高級軍事參謀。
- The team have talked things through and now all eyes are on Crotone』s visit to the Olimpico on Saturday. 全隊已經進行了相關探討,現在所有的工作中心都轉到了周六在主場奧林匹克中心對陣克羅托內的比賽上。
- A staff officer there asked Henke, 「What is your business? 在指揮部,一位參謀軍官問亨克中尉,「你們要幹嗎?」
- Indeed, like John Paul II\'s trip to Poland, Benedict\'s visit to Regensburg is providential. 拉辛格(本篤十六世)所指的邏各斯是以古典希臘哲學中的理性為背景的。
- Welcome to the marine mammal gallery. Let『s visit some of the beautiful and intelligent sea creatures in the ocean. 歡迎來到海洋哺乳動物解說廊,讓我們一起探訪這群海洋世界中最美麗、奇妙的哺乳動物。
- To cultivate command officers and general staff officers in different level. 及一般參謀軍官人才。
- The Vice-Premier』s visit to Myanmar was an important milestone for the long-standing pauk-phaw relationship between the two good neighbors. 副總理對緬甸的訪問是兩個鄰國建立長期睦鄰友好關係的重要里程碑。
- Lockwood had spent most of World War II as a staff officer in Hawaii. 二戰期間的大多數時間裡洛克伍德在夏威夷擔任參謀軍官。
- SSH's visit to Japan heated up the whole island. During the visit, SSH also participated in a program by Japan's most popular group "SMAP". 韓聯社東京12月15日電宋承憲的訪日使整個日本列島為之沸騰。訪問期間,宋承憲還參加了日本超人氣組合「SMAP」的節目。
- The minimum term of office for staff officers, clerical workers, secretaries, assistants, instructors, etc. shall be three years. 機關和院校的參謀、幹事、秘書、助理員、教員等軍官,每個職務等級任職的最低年限為三年。