- The shoulder roll is at its maximum angle so that left arm adduction occurs on a stable base. 肩部的旋轉達到最大角度以便左臂內收在一個穩定的基底上。
- No matter how successful our work is in the cities,it won't mean much without a stable base in the countryside. 城市搞得再漂亮,沒有農村這一穩定的基礎是不行的。
- Stable base areas were the relatively stable revolutionary base areas established by the Workers'and Peasants'Red Army. 「固定區域的割據」指工農紅軍建立比較鞏固的革命根據地。
- The mass culture propagandizes the commodity in symbol and image, and it forms the stable base of consuming culture. 大眾文化將商品制於符號和影像的包裝和宣傳中,為消費文化的產生奠定了堅實基礎。
- Competition will produce impetus.Zhengying`s staff make a stable base depend on the spirit of team-work and hard working,advanced science technology. 競爭才有動力,正應人以其強大的團隊凝聚力,高度的敬業精神,先進的科學技術為企業的進一步發展奠定了堅實的基礎。
- The collagen albumen in cuticular base film and derma is united in wedlock cheek by jowl, derma presents wave shape to also make skin rises and fall subsequently. 表皮的基底膜與真皮中的膠原蛋白緊密結合,真皮呈現波浪狀也使得表皮隨之起伏。
- This enormous stable base means they can increase the height and still use steel for the structure, but her beam must be far wider than planned, breaking the initial ground rules. 有了這極穩固的艙底,設計者就可以在仍舊選用鋼材作為船隻主體構架的情況下增加船的高度,這樣構建的船隻,其橫樑則會大大超出原先的計劃,這就需要改變設計的初衷。
- NP-Trade have own stable base for Raw Materials and Products. Also have several high level Specialists and Professors as adviser to guarantee the stability for our products. 公司擁有自己穩定的原材料和產品的生產基地,擁有一批高水平的專家、教授作為公司的技術顧問,為保證產品質量的穩定提供了可靠的保證。
- Open aluminum bag, takes out a piece of pastes, take away the base film, stick the paste on employment( navel), take away the paste30~40 minutes, don't re-using; get the perfect effective if using it every day. 將鋁箔包裝袋斯開,取出貼片,撕開貼片上之離型膜,輕輕將貼片施用于丹田(臍)30~0分鐘即可撕下,勿重複使用;每日使用效果最佳。
- Such places will not be transformed from guerrilla zones into relatively stable base areas until the enemy forces are destroyed and the work of arousing the people is in full swing. 要待消滅敵人和發動民眾的工作開展了之後,才能把游擊區狀態消滅,變為比較穩固的根據地。
- Thin: As applied to a photographic image, having low density. As applied to the physical properties of film, thin base film materials provide for more film per given roll diameter. 密度小;薄的:用於攝影影像時,表示密度低;用於表示膠片的物理特性時,在一定直徑的片卷上,薄片基的膠片要長些。
- The task ahead is to wholeheartedly and unwaveringly build stable base areas in the Dabie Mountains and,in co-ordination with the friendly corps,gain full control over the Central Plains. 今後的任務,是全心全意地義無反顧地創造鞏固的大別山根據地,並與友鄰兵團配合,全部控制中原。
- The task ahead is to wholeheartedly and unwaveringly build stable base areas in the Dabie Mountains and, in co-ordination with the friendly corps, gain full control over the Central Plains. 今後的任務,是全心全意地義無反顧地創造鞏固的大別山根據地,並與友鄰兵團配合,全部控制中原。
- Advantage and Strategy Constructing the Stable Bases of Trade Grain and Green Agriculture. 建設遼寧穩定的商品糧和綠色農業基地的優勢與對策。
- Third, in order to put the country's finances on a stable basis and ensure socialist industrial development, we must curtail all expenditures possible and check waste. 第三,為了把國家財政放在穩固的基礎上,保證社會主義工業建設,必須節減一切可以節減的開支,克服浪費。
- Methods:All 70 cases were taken Water area and Caldwell area films,some added tomographic,profile,cranial base films and maxillary sinus radiography. 方法 :對 70例上頜竇患者均攝有 Water位、Caldwell位、部分患者加攝體層片、側位片、顱底片及上頜竇造影片。
- The work target of Nanjing FIAT in this year is to make a stable basis for future to be a continuous, stable, good developing enterprise. 南京菲亞特今年的工作目標是為未來構築一個穩固的基礎,成為一個持續、步、康發展的企業。
- You telexed us on many occasions your request for our supply of gasoline on a long-term and stable basis as well as of other refined oils. 貴方曾多次來電要求我們公司供給其他成品油,而且還要長期和穩定地供應汽油。
- This paper presents the design and fabrication of a Microprocessor (AT89C51)based film resonant with the water level sensor supporting the use of the liquid level measurement frequencymeter. 本文介紹了一種以單片機(AT89C51)為核心與薄膜諧振式水位感測器配套使用的液位高度測量用頻率計的設計與製作。
- At the conference in Qufu, the Confucian critics were careful to tell government officials that they favor change on a stable basis. 在曲阜的會議上,孔子的評論家們很謹慎地告訴政府,他們更傾向於穩定前提下的改革。