- Drummond castle is set on a ridge.Terraces step down the hill to the south and a large parterre takes the form of Scotland』s flag, the St Andrew』s cross, centred on the old sundial. 放眼望去,花園坐于山脊之上,四周梯田蜿蜒而下,整個花圃以日晷為中心,像一面大大的聖安德魯斯十字旗。
- St Andrew's Cathedral would come under the flag of the Anglican Church. 聖安德烈大教堂原本在聖公會旗下。
- Even at St Andrew's University, Prince William has apparently had to take refuge for a large proportion of his time in Gloucestershire and London. 身為王室繼承人,他們常常要把自己的生活公諸於世,甚至父母的婚姻也成為他們需要面對的難題。
- The England winger limped off just 30 minutes into Saturday's 1-0 victory over Birmingham City at St Andrew's and is a major doubt for the midweek cup trip to Goodison Park. 切爾西邊鋒在上周末1比0擊敗伯明翰城的比賽中,在聖安德魯斯奔跑了30分鐘就因傷被替換下場。而現在也不能確定他是否能在周中出現在古迪遜公園球場。
- York MA Management St Andrews Mitt. 如題;請大家多提建議.
- Not many such men had ever visited.Merryman』s Cross;none of those had proved lasting assets to the community. 很少有這樣的人物造訪過梅里曼克勞斯鎮,更從未有這樣的人留在鎮里長住。
- But we have got to go to St Andrews with cool heads and not panic. 我們必須破釜沉舟,毫無懼色地前往聖安德魯斯。」
- Ironically it was Austria who handed Italy a lifeline on 45 minutes when Stranzl put the ball into his own net from Di Natale』s cross. 花布很鬱悶,除了那兩個讓人無可奈何的進球外,全場最多只有兩次精彩的撲救。。。很鬱悶呀!!
- In2000, lobbyists paid for Mr DeLay to fly to St Andrews in Scotland. 在2000年,說客為德來買機票到蘇格蘭的聖安德魯。
- regular worshippers at St Andrew's Church 經常到聖安德肋教堂做禮拜的人
- Chelsea travel to St Andrews to take on Birmingham city next weekend. 切爾西下周么前往聖安德魯斯球場,迎戰伯明翰。
- In 2000, lobbyists paid for Mr DeLay to fly to St Andrews in Scotland. 在2000年,說客為德來買機票到蘇格蘭的聖安德魯。
- Let`s hope he can get on the score sheet for the first time at St Andrews. 讓我們祝願他可以在他的聖安德魯斯首次首發登場中,有所斬獲。
- On a very wet afternoon, Milan were immediately on the attack as Inzaghi headed Gattuso』s cross just wide while Pirlo tested debutant goalkeeper Gabriele Paoletti with a bouncing shot. 在一個潮濕的下午,米蘭很快的進入狀態並發動了進攻,加圖索傳中,因扎吉頭槌偏出。不久皮爾洛便用反彈球再次考驗了初次亮相的對方門將加布利耶里.;保萊蒂。
- Few Minutes Walk From Kings Cross Station.Exit King S Cross Station And Head Up Pentonville Road.Turn Right Into King S Cross Road (A201) And Travelodge Islington Is On The Left Hand Side. 皇家蘇格蘭倫敦酒店優惠預訂,如果您需要在倫敦,英國住宿(包括酒店、賓館、旅店,飯店、汽車旅館),這個酒店將是一個不錯的選擇。
- The global minima is a linear isomer CCCS~+1 followed by a four-membered ring formed cC_3S~+2 with a CC cross bonding. 結果表明:C3S+有3個穩定的異構體;包括線形、三元環和四元環幾何構型.
- Saint Andrew's cross bond 聖安德魯交叉砌合
- The latest group to tiptoe into the minefield is led by Lisa DeBruine, of the University of St Andrews, in Scotland. 最近悄悄進入這一雷區的一個小組是由蘇格蘭聖安德魯斯大學的德布魯尼領導的。
- William met Middleton at St Andrews University in Scotland, where he earned a master of arts degree in geography. 威廉王子與米德爾頓在蘇格蘭的聖安德魯斯大學上學時結識。威廉王子獲得了聖安德魯斯大學地理學專業的文學碩士學位。