- Drummond castle is set on a ridge.Terraces step down the hill to the south and a large parterre takes the form of Scotland』s flag, the St Andrew』s cross, centred on the old sundial. 放眼望去,花園坐于山脊之上,四周梯田蜿蜒而下,整個花圃以日晷為中心,像一面大大的聖安德魯斯十字旗。
- Not many such men had ever visited.Merryman』s Cross;none of those had proved lasting assets to the community. 很少有這樣的人物造訪過梅里曼克勞斯鎮,更從未有這樣的人留在鎮里長住。
- Ironically it was Austria who handed Italy a lifeline on 45 minutes when Stranzl put the ball into his own net from Di Natale』s cross. 花布很鬱悶,除了那兩個讓人無可奈何的進球外,全場最多只有兩次精彩的撲救。。。很鬱悶呀!!
- On a very wet afternoon, Milan were immediately on the attack as Inzaghi headed Gattuso』s cross just wide while Pirlo tested debutant goalkeeper Gabriele Paoletti with a bouncing shot. 在一個潮濕的下午,米蘭很快的進入狀態並發動了進攻,加圖索傳中,因扎吉頭槌偏出。不久皮爾洛便用反彈球再次考驗了初次亮相的對方門將加布利耶里.;保萊蒂。
- Few Minutes Walk From Kings Cross Station.Exit King S Cross Station And Head Up Pentonville Road.Turn Right Into King S Cross Road (A201) And Travelodge Islington Is On The Left Hand Side. 皇家蘇格蘭倫敦酒店優惠預訂,如果您需要在倫敦,英國住宿(包括酒店、賓館、旅店,飯店、汽車旅館),這個酒店將是一個不錯的選擇。
- The crown of St Wenceslas was in prague cathedral. 聖文薩斯雷的皇冠保存在布拉格大教堂。
- George led them back to the right way. 喬治把他們領回到正路上來。
- The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel. 第一段聖經選自《約翰福音》。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 喬治是填補這一空缺的最佳人選。
- NORG's Crossing, gray silky cotton, front: twisting cut, back: shape of water drop to sophisticatedly expressing female sexiness, the twisting cut aims to express the chest line. 這款高級絲光棉的北歐風洋裝有以下特色,前面有扭布設計,可以表達胸部的線條,腰部有寬條設計,可以用來定義腰的美感,後有簍空的水滴型,目的在於委婉的表達性感。
- I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death. 聽到喬治突然去逝的消息,我感到驚愕。
- Attempting to sidestep one\'s crosses is simply a temporary diversion, delaying the eventual glorification that is the soul\'s inheritance when it is sought. 迴避他的問題只是一種暫時的逃避,延緩他追尋而獲得的最終的榮耀。
- Be not a visit to Mr. George obligatory? 是不是必須我拜訪喬治先生?
- St Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. 聖·克里斯托弗是旅行者的守護神。
- NORG's Crossing、gray silky cotton、front: twisting cut、back: shape of water drop to sophisticatedly expressing female sexiness、the twisting cut aims to express the chest line. 腰部有寬條設計,可以用來定義腰的美感,後有簍空的水滴型,目的在於委婉的表達性感。
- George would never admit to being wrong. 喬治從不認錯。
- My home/business address is 3 West St, Oxford. 我家[辦公處]的地址是牛津西街3號。
- George, I will make an example of him. 我發誓,我一定要拿他懲一儆百。
- The stock market crash did George in. 股票行情狂跌使喬治遭到破產。