- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我們是一定要遇到麻煩了。
- He toadied to his boss for promotion. 他為升職向老闆獻殷勤。
- Hexiang Trust Market Metro Promotion Spot. 禾祥好又多美聯外場推廣點。
- World Trade Metro Promotion Spot. 世貿美聯外場推廣點。
- It is great to hear about your recent promotion. 聽說你近來得到了提升,這好極了。
- He is hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot. 一棵樹倒下來,把他當場砸死了。
- I've always had a real soft spot for him. 我一向對他挺有好感。
- Doyle was passed over for promotion. 多伊爾未被考慮提升。
- The second part is the high spot of this book. 第二部分是這本書的最精彩部分。
- His activities in London center around this spot. 他在倫敦的活動以這個地點為中心。
- Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸運的是現場有一位醫生。
- There are good chances of promotion in this firm. 這家公司里提升的機會很多。
- This cross marks the spot where she died. 這個十字元號標明她死去的地點。
- Promotion will go by length of service. 晉陞以服務年限為準。
- The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives. 這家公司正大搞推銷運動。
- Can you spot the flaw in their argument? 你能指出他們論點中的謬誤嗎?
- His long absence from work delayed his promotion. 他長期不上班,把他的提升給耽誤了。
- May I offer my congratulations on your promotion? 請允許我為您的晉陞向您道賀。
- I'm in a bit of a spot financially. 我經濟上有點困難。
- A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地點用一堆堆成金字塔形狀的石頭作了標記。