- South Asian languages (Thai and Vietnamese), Baltic, Central European, Greek, Turkish, and languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet, or right-to-left languages. 南亞語言(泰語和越南語)、波羅的語、中歐語言、希臘語、土耳其語以及使用西里爾字元的語言或從右向左的語言。
- The date and time format used for each South Asian language is determined by the calendar chosen. 用於各種南亞語言的日期和時間格式是由所選的日曆決定的。
- South Asian deer with three-tined antlers. 亞洲南部鹿角有三個叉的鹿。
- You can't lump all Asian languages together. 你不能把所有的亞洲語言混為一談。
- Asian Languages and Literatures B. 亞洲語言與文學。
- South Asian and herbal teas to choose from. 和南亞出產的茶以及天然植物茶可供選擇。
- Courses can be taught in various South East Asian languages by our consultants, whom are multi-lingual. 課程將由我們會多種語言的顧問用各種不同的東南亞語言教授。
- The relations between China and DPRK,ROK and South Asian countries have developed steadily. 我國同朝鮮、韓國和南亞各國的關係穩步發展。
- Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures Hamilton College The present study reports the fi. 美國漢彌爾頓大學東亞語言文學系。
- Some Asian languages use ideographic scripts that have glyphs based on Chinese characters. 有些亞洲語言使用具有基於中文字元的標誌字元的象形字腳本。
- The Type and Replace feature is a complement to the automatic sequence checking of South Asian text. 「鍵入並替換」功能是對南亞文字自動序列檢查的補充。
- Microsoft Word provides several enhancements to editing text in a South Asian environment, such as sequence checking. Microsoft Word提供了在南亞語言環境中編輯文本的一些增強功能,如序列檢查。
- Ph.D. In Chinese Studies, Dept. Of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 密執安大學博士,漢學,語言學。
- And, in 2005, the company donated funds to South Asian countries devastated by the tsunami. 2005年,本公司也為南亞遭受海嘯侵襲捐贈賑災。
- Graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a degree in Asian languages and cultures. 畢業於密歇根大學安阿伯在與亞洲語言和文化學位.
- The relations between China and DPRK, ROK and South Asian countries have developed steadily. 我國同朝鮮、韓國和南亞各國的關係穩步發展。
- The Munda family is spoken largely in eastern India, and related to some Southeast Asian languages. 蒙達語系是主要在印度東部使用的語言,也與一些東南亞的語言相關。
- The lentil is just such a crop for many South Asians. 小扁豆在南亞是原料農作物。
- I urge you to go check out government recruitment ads - most advertize Middle Eastern and Asian languages. 三年做下來,第一桶金淘到了,經營訣竅也淘到了,可以自立門戶了。
- Last year, Indian activists organized a South Asian Social Forum in Gujarat state. 去年,印度的激進分子在古吉拉特省舉辦了一次南亞社會論壇。