- Swallows from England go as far as South Africa. 英國來的燕子飛到南非那樣遠的地方。
- The Dutch settled in South Africa. 荷蘭人在南非殖民。
- A one-ounce gold coin of the Republic of South Africa. 克魯格金幣南非共和國發行的一盎司金幣
- He made a fortune in the gold fields of South Africa. 他在南非的金礦區發了大財。
- The Black Mamba lives in South Africa. 黑曼巴居住在南非。
- After living in South Africa for 20 years, he had gone completely native. 他在南非住了二十年,已完全適應當地人的生活方式。
- There are a lot of animal parks in South Africa. 在南非有許多野生動物園。
- Wayne Ferreira from South Africa. 來自南非的威恩·費里拉。
- We condemn the racism in South Africa. 我們譴責南非的種族主義。
- Why go to South Africa,of all countries? 國家多得很,為什麼偏要到南非去?
- Rio Tinto South Africa Proprietary, Ltd. 里奧廷托南非股份有限公司
- We bought a house in Johannesburg, South Africa. 我們到達當地,在南非約翰尼斯堡買了房子。
- We do not know much about the South Africa market. 我們對南非市場的情況了解得不夠多。
- They were in South Africa two years ago. 他們兩年前還在南非。
- John is living at some place in South Africa. 約翰住在南非某個地方。
- South Africa is the land with tears in her eyes. 南非是充滿熱淚的國土。
- Middle south Tibet is one of uranium metallogenic provinces in China. 西藏自治區南部中段是鈾成礦的有利地區之一。
- This plant is common in South Africa. 這種植物在南非隨處可見。
- What language is spoken in South Africa? 南非講什麼語言?
- Portable Contraband Alarm Exported to South Africa. 攜帶型違禁品報警儀已出口南非。