- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 買一張去溫撤斯特單程二等票。
- A two- week return to brighton, second class, please. 請訂一線去布賴頓的兩星期回程的二等回票。
- Do you have a seat available in second class? 請問你們有沒有二等艙的位子?
- Where is the second class lounge? 請問二等艙休息室在哪裡?
- It's forty Yuan for a second class day return. 當天來回的二等票一張元。
- One single, second class, to Winchester, please . 買一張去溫撤斯特單程二等票。
- If making money was your object in life, Lewis was a sound man to follow. 如果賺錢是你一生中的目標,那麼劉易斯倒是個老實可靠、值得你仿效的人。
- Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class? 最有潛力成為第二等的犬?
- Book me two second class seats, please. 請給我訂兩張二等艙機票。
- I want a second class single to frankfort. 我要一張去法蘭克福的二等單程票。
- Sound men wear out shoes, sick men sheets. 健康者費鞋子,久病者費床單。
- A second class child return to Las Veas. 一張去拉斯維加斯的二等兒童來回票。
- Are there any second class seats available? 二等車票還有嗎?
- A BBC sound man held up a Nigerian execution for half an hour while he adjusted his sound equipment. 另一位英國廣播公司的錄音記者為了調試好他的錄音設備,竟讓奈及利亞的一場絞刑推遲了半個小時才進行。
- Second class had cane seats and bronze trim. 二等車廂有藤製座位和青銅飾條;
- Where is the second class lounge ? 請問二等艙休息室在哪裡?
- A barbershop quartet that is used to singing in front of a pair of area mikes notwithstanding, a good sound man can make or break your group. 一個理髮店四重唱組合常常只用一副話筒演唱,然而,你的音控師仍然能提升或毀了你的團。
- The work that man went through, leaping on his crutch till the muscles of his chest were fit to burst, was work no sound man ever equalled; and so thinks the doctor. 他拄著拐杖向前跳躍,簡直要將胸前的肌肉撕裂,連大夫也說,即使一個健康的人大概也受不了。
- He bought a ticket to travel in the second class on the boat trip. 他買了一張二等艙的船票去旅行。
- Napoleon,thin and short of stature,looks like, in the eyes of the ravishing Josephine, a terrifically handsome man second to none. 瘦小的拿破崙在美艷的約瑟芬的眼裡,是無與倫比的美男子。