- I have a friend who runs a bookstore in a Midwestern college town. 我有個朋友,他在一座中西部大學城鎮上開了一家書店。
- Krakow is part college town and part delicious fairy tale. 卡拉科夫是大學城和美味童話故事來源的一部分。
- A permanent resident of a town, especially a resident of a college town who is academically unaffiliated with the local college or university. 鎮民城鎮的常住居民,尤指大學城鎮的居民,但和本地的學院或大學沒有任何學術方面的聯繫
- Ithaca, where Cornell is located, is a small and remote college town. 康奈爾大學所在的伊薩卡,是一個很小而又很偏遠的大學鎮。
- Ithaca, where Cornell is located, is a small and remote college town. 康奈爾大學所在的伊薩卡,是一個很小而又很偏遠的大學鎮。
- If you like bars, parties, and a real college town experience at a great value, KU is the place for you. 如果你喜歡酒吧,派對或者體驗真正有價值的大學城生活,來堪薩斯大學非常適合你。
- Investigators suspect Richard McCroskey III of killing four people in a central Virginia college town. 調查人員懷疑RichardMcCroskeyIII在佛吉尼亞州中部的一所大學城殺害四人。
- But in the middle of the city, the college town atmosphere can feel constrictive. 不過身處市區,大學城的學術氛圍還是會受到來自都會氣氛的擠壓。
- One of the early ones was held in Keene, a beautiful college town in the southern part of the state. 其中較早的一個被安排在基恩,那是新罕布希爾州南部一個風景秀麗的大學城。
- Goleman and I are due to have lunch at a Tibetan restaurant in Northampton, Massachusetts, the buzzing New England college town where he lives. 戈爾曼和我將在馬薩諸塞州北安普敦的一家西藏餐廳共進午餐。這裡是熱鬧的新英格蘭學院城所在地,也是他居住的地方。
- I headed out from Florida to the college town of Ithaca, New York, alone and free, not knowing what adventures lay before me. 我從佛羅里達州出發,直奔紐約的伊薩卡大學城,獨自一人,無拘無束,不知道前面有什麼冒險經歷在等待著我。
- A permanent resident of a town,especially a resident of a college town who is academically unaffiliated with the local college or university. 這是一個好計劃,不過當地人的反對可能成為一大障礙。
- We are located in Champaign-Urbana, a safe and friendly college town only 200 km from Chicago, Indianapolis and St.Louis.We hope to see you soon at the IEI. 氣候多變,讓居民們可以盡情的在不同季節享受不同的戶外活動,此外,也可以在此感受不同的文化及教育,或是各種休閒活動像是音樂欣賞、運動、及視聽娛樂等。
- The design is based on the relationship of the college town and the city, and lays stress and the reorganization of education resources between different branches of learning. 摘要以科教園與城市的關係為整個設計的出發點,強調在城市範圍內以及不同學科領域之間對於教育資源的重組與開發利用。
- The next morning, UF students Tracy Paules and Manuel Taboada, both 23, were found slaughtered in the apartment they shared nearby, plunging the laid-back college town into a full-fledged panic. 第二天早上,同為23歲的佛羅里達大學學生特蕾西·鮑里斯和曼紐爾·塔博達被發現在她們附近的公寓里被殺害。這使得原本漫不經心的大學城陷入了空前的恐慌。
- By analyzing the three events happening in Ghost Street Art Warehouse and college Town, the paper reveals that the possibility, underlying public participation and self-metabolism are of the great importance to the city. 摘要該文通過對鬼街、藝術倉庫以及大學城三個事件的分析,揭示了可能性、隱性公共參與以及自我更新對城市的重要性。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大學圖書館是人們喜歡的地方。
- The College Town covers an area of 306 hectares, among which 240 hectares are used for various kinds of teaching facilities and classrooms and the rest are for dormitories, canteens and shops. 該大學城佔地306公頃,其中240公頃用於教室等各類教學設施,其他用於寢室,食堂和商店。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 對大學新生而言潔身自好是很重要的。
- He chose to locate his early franchises in college towns and near military bases, whose populations are both high consumers of pizzas. 他決定將近期的分店設置於鄰近學校及軍事基地這兩個人口及消費者眾多的地方。