- Excerpt from a talk with General Secretary of the Socialist Workers'Party of Hungary. 這是鄧小平同志會見匈牙利社會主義工人黨總書記卡達爾時談話的一部分。
- Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party(POSL) 盧森堡社會工人黨(POSL)
- Spanish Socialist Workers' Party 西班牙社會工黨
- Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party 盧森堡社會工人黨
- Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party(LSAP) 盧森堡社會工人黨(LSAP)
- Sports International of Socialist Workers 社會主義工人體育運動國際
- (Excerpt from a talk with General Secretary of the Socialist Workers' Party of Hungary.) (這是鄧小平同志會見匈牙利社會主義工人黨總書記卡達爾時談話的一部分。)
- Party workers sallied forth in a drive to find new members. 黨的工作人員發起了納新運動。
- He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成為一個工作認真的人了。
- The boss dispenses the sick worker from his duties. 老闆准許生病的工人不上班。
- I visualize having to fire some of the workers. 我預想到必須解僱一些工人。
- They all support socialist policies. 他們都擁護社會主義的政策。
- The worker brought a new scrapper with him. 那個工人隨身帶著一把新刮刀。
- The Socialist candidate has been well primed with facts by the Party headquarters. 社會黨的候選人已由該黨總部供給了充足的事實材料。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位勞動模範。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一個委員會來調查工人的不滿。
- He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. 他是個對老闆卑躬屈膝的人。
- Laid-off workers fall into penury. 下崗職工陷入貧困。
- The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously. 社會黨候選人不斷受到詰問。
- The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action. 主席敦促黨的工作人員採取行動。