- He struck home in his criticism of this social problem. 他對這個社會問題的批評擊中了要害。
- Honest agitators are necessary to the solution of some social problem. 誠實的鼓動者對解決某些社會問題是必要的。
- Aging has become a social problem. 老齡化已成為一個社會問題。
- This is a new development in social problem. 這是社會問題中的新事物。
- Illiteracy has long been a serious social problem. 文盲的現象已經成為了社會的問題。
- The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved. 引起這些危機的社會問題尚未解決。
- Teenagers' deviant behaviour has become a serious social problem. 青少年偏差行為已經成為一個嚴重的社會問題。
- More and more abnormal children is a big social problem. 越來越多的畸形兒童成為一個很嚴重的社會問題。
- Homosexuality is a personal problem or a social problem? 同性戀是私人問題還是社會問題?
- Drug abuse has been a serious social problem for many years. 多年以來吸毒一直是一個嚴重的社會問題。
- This social problem is rather difficult to deal with. 這個社會問題很難解決。
- To me, the ignorance of family planning is a social problem. 依我之見,對計劃生育的無知是一個社會問題。
- Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem in this country. 少年犯罪是這個國家一個嚴懲的社會問題.
- In fact, it is a social problem exists in every corner of society. 實際上,這是個社會問題存在於中國社會的各個角落。
- Are social problem flourishing or affection problem red? 社會問題紅火還是情感問題紅?
- In 2000, Problem Research in Physics Learning (PRPL) was first brought forward in the physical outline of senior high school, which is declared by the ministry of education. 教育部於2000年頒發的高中物理教學大綱首次提出了物理課題研究。
- We are faced with so many critical social problems. 我們面前擺著那麼多迫切的社會問題。
- Social problems in modern society are mounting. 現代社會問題日益增加。
- It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problem than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations. 把資金用於眼前存在的社會問題比用在有益於後代的長期研究項目上更重要。