- A volcano emits smoke and ashes. 火山散發著煙和灰。
- We burn a lot of trash. More smoke and soot. 我們燒掉許多垃圾,煙灰就增多了。
- And flash away past me like a light. 從我身邊一閃而逝。
- The air is loaded with smoke and dirt. 空氣里瀰漫著煙霧和塵埃。
- Application will erase field, and flash phone. 應用程序將抹去降級區域,並且閃光電話。
- Smoke and flames brought the neighbors. 濃煙和火焰引起了鄰居們的注意
- A volcano belches forth smoke and ashes. 火山噴出煙和塵埃。
- Study on the Measurement Technique for Muzzle Smoke and Flash of Deterred Propellants 發射葯槍口煙焰檢測技術研究
- Pop some smoke and let me see your location. 放煙幕彈,讓我找找你們的位置。
- Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime. 巨大的煙囪冒出煙和灰塵。
- The smoke and fumes almost suffocated me. 煙霧差點兒把我悶死了。
- An active volcano vomits forth smoke and lava. 活火山噴出煙霧和熔岩。
- Multi-function: Furnished with the light and flash for night use. 功能多:配有照明燈和閃光燈,方便夜間使用。
- Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸煙與肺部疾病之間有關係嗎?
- The room was blackened with smoke and soot . 這房間被煙灰熏黑了。
- Dave left quickly to go out and flash the hash, I think. 我想戴夫急匆匆地走出去是想嘔吐。
- What lense do you use? Ultra large aperture requires? and flash? 用盡舊鏡微距能力,專人指導使用微距濾鏡,拍盡微距世界!
- The storm whiffed smoke and ashes onto their faces. 暴風將煙和灰噴在他們臉上。
- Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke and flames. 一座座巨大的煙囪冒著煙和火。
- To burn with little smoke and no flame. 悶燃:不生產火焰地燃燒,只產生少量煙塵。