- Fried Rice with Shredded Pork in Soy Sauce 醬油肉絲炒飯
- Stir-fried Rice and Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce 醬油肉絲炒飯
- Dead head pig, the second day noon eat "braise in soy sauce pork". 死了頭豬,第二天中午就吃"紅燒豬肉"。
- Heat cooking 0il in a pan, stir-fry shredded pork till cooked,put Chinese chive,cooking wine,salt,2tsp soy sauce and stock to stir-fry well take out and place on top of sheet jelly and Serve. 鍋置火上,放油燒至六成熱,放入豬肉絲炒熟,放入韭菜、料酒10克、鹽2克、醬油10克和清湯炒均勻,出鍋蓋在拌好的粉皮上面即成。
- Should I sauce this in soy sauce? 我要不要給它加點兒醬油?
- Marinate the sliced pork in rice wine, vinegar and soy sauce before frying it. 肉片要用黃酒、醋、醬油腌過再炸。
- "We can cook it in a hotpot or braise it in soy sauce. 一個員工說:「你必須先付錢,我們才會上菜,做法有兩種煮或燉。」
- Wash, dry and mince pork. Stir in soy sauce and white pepper. 豬肉洗凈瀝乾,切碎,並加入豉油及胡椒粉腌好。
- knuckle of pork in soy sauce 醬肘子
- Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce 醬肘花
- Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce 京醬肉絲
- For dinner that evening, his mother herself prepared fried shredded eel, chicken wings in soy sauce, stewed chicken with melon, and shrimps cooked in wine-all his favorite local dishes. 吃晚飯的時候,有方老太太親手做的煎鱔魚絲、醬雞翅、西瓜煨雞、灑煮蝦,都是大兒子愛吃的鄉味。
- My wife said that sparrows are tasteless when they're fried.According to her hometown method, the sparrow's stomach each is stuffed with ground pork and then fried in soy sauce. 我內人說禾花雀炸了吃沒有味道,照她家鄉的辦法,把肉末填在禾花雀肚子里,然後紅燒。
- Fried Shredded Pork Filet in Soy Bean Paste with Pancake 醬爆裡脊絲配餅
- Be Celeng Base Manis -- Pork in Sweet Soy Sauce 甜醬豬肉
- Sautéed Shredded Duck in Soy Sauce 香醬爆鴨絲
- I like to eat sauted shredded pork with sweet-bean sauce on rice. 我喜歡吃京醬肉絲蓋飯。
- shredded pork with soy sauce 醬爆肉絲
- The content of levulinic acid in soy sauce, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) and caramel was determined. 摘要對醬油、酸水解植物蛋白(HVP)、焦糖色素中乙醯丙酸的含量進行了測定。
- Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp, braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns. 它的主要名菜有糖醋鯉魚、紅燒海螺、荷花大蝦等。