- Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue. 在一次驚心動魄的海上營救行動中,十名漁民獲救。
- He shot the rabbit at short range. 他在短距離內射殺這隻兔子。
- Most of our pursuit planes were still handicapped by short range. 當時我們的大部份驅逐機仍被局限於短距離。
- He won merits of the leaders for his heroic deeds in the sea rescue. 他因在海洋搜救中的英勇表現贏得了領導的褒獎。
- For short range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats an. 救生艇和救生筏短距離的遇險信號。
- For short range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats and lif. 用於船舶、救生艇和救生筏短距離的遇險信號。
- For this reason television signals have a short range. 因此,電視信號的傳播距離很短。
- Healing Tongue heals friendly targets from a short range. 短距離治療友方目標。
- Remains on call round the clock to provide emergency services, including fire fighting, land and sea rescue, and emergency ambulance services, etc. 隨時候命為市民提供緊急服務,包括滅火和海陸拯救,為傷病者提供緊急救護服務等。
- The suit is a bright Sea Rescue Orange and has SOLAS reflective tape on the lower arms and around the wrists for enhanced visibility. 衣服是一個明亮的海援救橙並且有SOLAS反光帶在臂上的帶子和在腕周遭為提升的能見度。
- Bullfrog 50 Inflicts poison when your enemy damages you at short range. 牛娃50對近距離攻擊你的敵人造成毒傷。
- Comoran police source said the plane was believed to have come down in the sea. "We really have no sea rescue capabilities," he said. 葛摩群島的一位警務人員相信飛機是在海中墜毀的。「我們根本沒有在海洋中搜救的能力,」他說。
- When the typhoon comes, in other ships hide time, is precisely the South China Sea Rescue Bureau's salving vessel busiest time. 颱風來時,在別的船舶都躲起來的時候,正是南海救助局的救助船最忙的時候。
- Starting from July this year, the Fire Services Department colleagues have kindly undertaken voluntary SST measurements at the two Sea Rescue Berths inside the airport. 自今年七月開始,得到消防處的同事襄助,義務在機場內的兩個海上救援停泊區量度海面溫度。
- Before moving on to long range archery, they must first master short range shooting. 在進行遠程箭術訓練之前,他們必須首先掌握近程射擊。
- That country can't afford to start making Abombs,but have they found something effective at short range and cheap? 那個國家沒有力量開發原子彈,但他們是否已找到在短距離內同樣有效且便宜的替代品了呢?
- A shoulder - held weaponconsisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor - piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一種肩扛武器,由一個金屬的光滑長炮管組成,用於在近距離發射穿甲火箭。
- A shoulder - held weapon consisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor - piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一種肩扛武器,由一個金屬的光滑長炮管組成,用於在近距離發射穿甲火箭
- A shoulder-held weapon consisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor-piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一種肩扛武器,由一個金屬的光滑長炮管組成,用於在近距離發射穿甲火箭