- I don' t think she' s the artistic type. 我認為她不屬藝術家那類的人.
- I don't think she's the artistic type. 我認為她不屬藝術家那類的人。
- She's the artistic type. 她是藝術家一類的人。
- She was ardent in her admiration of the artist. 她非常傾慕那位藝術家。
- We are disciples of the artistic leader. 我們是那位藝術領袖的追隨者。
- She' s the best of the lot / bunch. 她出類拔萃.
- The artist brought his paints with him. 那畫家自帶顏料。
- The artist's smock was covered in paint. 那藝術家的罩衣上沾滿了顏料。
- This painting exemplifies the artist's early style. 這幅畫是該畫家早期藝術風格的典型。
- Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那藝術家在她的作品中究竟想表達什麽?
- The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 該藝術家把她那溫柔的笑容表現得惟妙惟肖。
- The artist has caught her smile perfectly. 藝術家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容。
- The artist' s smock was covered in paint. 那藝術家的罩衣上沾滿了顏料.
- The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings. 藝術家給我們展示了她的繪畫代表作品。
- Are soothed beneath the artist s loving hand. 被一個畫家充滿感情的雙手撫慰。
- I' m afraid she' s the one person who can do it. 恐怕她是唯一能勝任這件事的人了。
- The artist posed his model carefully. 這個藝術家仔細地把他的模型放好。
- Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils? 那位藝術家是畫水彩的,還是畫油彩的?
- She』s the nimblest girl around. (她是周圍最輕捷聰慧的女子。
- The artist showed me his canvases. 畫家給我看了他的油畫。