- She's got stiff shoulders. 她的肩酸疼。
- She' s got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc. 她的聽覺、 觸覺等很靈敏.
- She' s got herself fixed up with a cosy flat. 她弄到了一套舒適的公寓.
- She' s got a beautiful slender figure. 她身材優美苗條。
- She' s got so much energy she never seems to tire. 她精力充沛--似乎從不感到疲倦.
- She』s got her eyes on the prize and I』m talkin』 bout my junk. 她在獎得到了她的眼睛和我在談論一回我的垃圾。
- If you sit in front of a computer a long time you get stiff. 計算機前坐久了渾身會僵硬。
- Bruises, sprains, muscular pain, muscular fatigue, lumbago, stiff shoulders, backache. 跌打扭傷,肌肉疼痛,肌肉疲勞,腰痛,肩肌僵直,背痛。
- She 's getting wet. She needs an umbrella. 她正挨雨淋。她需要一把傘。
- He' s got a lot more work to do on the book. 這本書他還有許多工作要做.
- He 's got used to eating with chopsticks . 他已習慣於用筷子吃飯了。
- We don't move lightly and easily as you do, and our minds get stiff. 我們不象你們那樣輕而易舉地到處遷移,我們的思想也僵化了。
- Terry' s got a new bird, ie girl-friend. 特里有了個新女朋友.
- He' s got nothing beyond his state pension. 除 了國家發的養老金; 他一無所有.
- He' s got an ink stain on his shirt. 他襯衫上有塊墨漬。
- He' s got piles of work to do this morning. 今天上午他有大量工作要做。
- He had a stiff shoulder. 他有僵硬的肩膀。
- John』s got too many irons in the fire. 約翰同時要辦的事太多了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一塊肩巾。
- Marilyn』s got an itch to take up aerobics. 瑪里琳迫不急待地想學習特技飛行。