- He 's called the new genius of British opera . 他正被人們稱作英國歌劇的新天才。
- Mary : That is what ' s called cumulonimbus. 瑪麗:那叫積雨雲。
- She's called Susan. 她叫蘇姍。
- I am returning Mr. Brown 's call . 我在回brown先生的電話。
- It 's call an air - conditioner . 這叫空調器。
- Let' s call in on the old granny for some minutes. 我們花幾分鐘去看看老奶奶吧。
- I feel washed out. Let 's call it a day . 我覺得疲乏了。今天就干到這裡吧。
- He' s called ' Ginger' because of his bright ginger hair. 他長著一頭淡黃色的頭髮,因而被人叫著'黃毛'。
- When two couple go out together,it' s called double dating. 如果兩對男女一起出去,這叫做雙重約會。
- Let' s call a halt ( to the meeting ) and continue tomorrow. 咱們暫停(會議); 明天接著開.
- Hello. This is Bob Huang . I am returning Mr. Richter 's call . 喂,我是bob黃,我在回Richter先生的電話。
- Hello. This is Bob Huang. I am returning Mr. richter 's call. 喂,我是Bob黃,我在回Richter先生的電話。
- Susan is wedged in the corner so tightly that she can not move. 蘇珊被緊緊地擠在一角,動都不能動。
- The ref 's calling the captains to the centre - spot for the toss . 裁判正叫雙方隊長到中場去擲幣選擇場地。
- Pastor Jonathan answered the Lord』s call to be the English pastor at SCBC. 李振倫牧師回應主的呼召,成為南灣的英文牧師。
- China』s call was more meant to sound an alarm to the United States. 它的呼籲更多意味在於對美國的一種警告。
- Susan was sullen in the morning because she had not slept well. 蘇珊今天早上鬱悶不樂,因為昨晚沒睡好。
- The ref 's calling the captains to the centre - spot for the toss. 裁判正叫雙方隊長到中場去擲幣選擇場地。
- Jane looks unhappy because she has the quarrel with Susan on her chest. 珍妮顯得悶悶不樂,因為她把和蘇珊爭吵的事放在心頭。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。