- You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time. 你忘了我以前是個醫科學生啦。
- Rachel no longer lived there. She had married a medical student she'd met in college. 雷切爾已不住那兒了,她和大學里認識的一名醫學院的學生結了婚。
- She's a medical student. 她是學醫的。
- When I was a medical student, I had never experienced a major bereavement. 當我在攻讀醫科時,我從未經歷過重大的喪親之痛。
- The article puts forward a quite fresh view: it is more accurate to judge a medical professional or medical student s moral standard by measuring his/her moral orientation than moral decision. 本文提出了一個比較新的觀點,即衡量一名醫學工作者或醫學生的道德水準,通過道德取向來衡量,比通過道德決斷來衡量更為準確。
- A medical student or intern. 醫學生,實習醫生
- She studies at a medical college in New York. 她在紐約醫學院就讀。
- MT: Maybe just a bit? Think about LeBron James as a medical student during his rookie year with the Cavs... 這僅僅只是一點點?就說詹姆斯吧,他在騎士隊還只是一年級新生的時候同樣也是學醫學的學生。
- It' s a mercy she wasn' t hurt in the accident. 她在事故中未受傷; 真幸運.
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 聽診器是一種醫療器械。
- If someone is a medical student, s/he may need some cancer statistics for supporting evidence in his/her term paper. 如果某人是一個醫學生,他/她可能需要一些癌症統計數據以作為支持他/她學期論文的證據。
- She' s a German who was naturalized in Canada. 她是入了加拿大籍的德國人.
- However, it is entirely possible that a medical student could do absolutely zilch to lighten the work load. 電腦螢幕與鍵盤,在各行各業大概都已經是必備的吧?
- She' s a good singer. Let' s clap her on. 她歌兒唱得好,咱們鼓掌歡迎她來一個。
- By day he works as a pest exterminator and by night he is a martial artist.Jeon Ha Ri, is a medical student from ... 他們一開始就引起摩擦、互不對眼,其實對金志憲而言,他本身也不喜歡男人婆型的朴彤晰,不過兩個人每天工作都很忙,再則金志憲已經有了有錢的女...
- She' s a lively child and popular with everyone. 她是個活潑的孩子; 大家都喜歡她.
- She won' t give up easily : she' s a real fighter. 她不會輕易放棄的; 她十分頑強.
- A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. 一個學習音樂的人需要一個長期艱巨的訓練而成為一名演奏家,如同一名醫學院的學生要成為醫生一樣。
- She' s a complete riddle, even to her parents. 她是個很難了解的人; 連她父母都無法了解她.
- She' s a cut above the rest ( of her colleagues ). 她比其他(共事的)人略勝一籌.