- All right. I'll call you back. Will you hang up, please? 好吧,我再給你回電。請先掛斷電話好嗎?
- Yes,I'll call you as soon as I confirm it. 是的,我確認好后,就立刻打電話給你。
- If there is any change,I'll call you again. 如有什麼變化,另打電話通知你。
- Hang up and I'll call you back In a few minutes. 您先掛上。過幾分鐘我再打給你。
- Let's hang up. I'll call you right back. 我們先掛上,我馬上再打過來
- Thank you.Please hang up and I'll call you back. 謝謝。請把聽筒掛上,我會給你接過來。
- OK, I'll call you in a few years. 好吧,那我過幾年再打電話給你。
- OK.I'll call you whenever I am free. 好吧,等我有空了,就打電話給你。
- Please hang up and we 'll call you back. 請掛斷,我們會打給你。
- Maria : Sam, I'll call you back. Bye. 瑪麗亞:山姆;我會給你回電話.;再見
- Gordon: Alright, I'll call you later. 戈登:好吧,以後我給你打電話。
- I'm busy now. I'll call you back as soon as I can. 我現在很忙,但會儘快給你回電。
- BOK, if I finish early, I'll call you. 好的,如果我早點幹完,我就給你打電話。
- All right. I'll call you back. Will you hang up,please? 好吧,我再給你回電。請先掛斷電話好嗎?
- Okay,I'll call you back when your call is put through. 好的,接通您的電話后我再給您回話。
- I see,sir. I'll try to find them,and I'll call you back. 我知道了,我會盡量找找看,再打電話給你。
- If I should miss the train -- haven forbid ! -- I'll call you. 如果我趕不上火車--但願不發生這樣的事!--我就打電話給你。
- Go back to New Hampshire, and I'll call you at your parents' house. 回新罕布夏去,我打電話去你父母家找你。
- I'm quite busy at the moment. I'll call you up later. 我現在很忙,過會兒給你打。
- All right. We 'll call you back. Will you hang up and wait, please? 好的,我就回你電話,請你掛上等著。