- She 's hard as nails. 她身體很結實。
- Anne was never happy. She was as hard as nails to make smile. 聖安妮從來都沒有高興過,她是難得一笑。
- They are merciless, with hearts as hard as nails. 他們冷酷無情,鐵石心腸。
- She's as hard as nails, and draws blood if you get hold of the wrong end. 她心硬得像釘子一般,假如你把事情搞錯了,她可決不放過你。
- They are merciless,with hearts as hard as nails. 他們冷酷無情,鐵石心腸。
- You are really as hard as nails. 你真是冷酷無情。
- The soldier was as hard as nails. 這位戰士身體如鐵打一般的強健。
- These ponies are diminutive in size but hard as nails. 這些小馬個子不大,卻很結實。
- After a summer of work in the country, I was as hard as nails, hard as nails, without a pound of extra weight. 在鄉長下勞動一個暑假之後,我的身體十分強壯而體重並沒有增加。
- He won't do you any harm. My stepmother might. She's ignorant,but she's as hard as nails. 他一點也不會傷害你,但我的繼母卻可能會害你。她愚昧無知,但心腸卻像鐵石,而且很狡詐。
- I wish I had your health; you look as hard as nails. 我真希望像你一樣健壯,你看起來結實得像鐵打的一樣。
- Although he seemed thin and undersized compared with his cousins, he was really as hard as nails and didn't fall ill half as often as they did. 和堂兄弟們相比,他看上去好像又瘦又矮小,實際上他身體好像又瘦又矮小,實際上他身體非常強壯,生病的次數比他們少多了。
- You'll never move him to kindness; he's as hard as nails. 你決不會使他發善心,他可是鐵石心腸。
- But it is related to the body in this sentence: "Peter is as hard as nails. (結實的象鐵打的)。
- Maybe."But he's not a sentimentalist like that.He's hard as nails, Alex. 但他不是一個很感情用事的人, 他是一個很固執的人。
- He is the best judge of a player in football today. He is as hard as nails and compassionate at the same time. 他是時下評判足球運動員優劣最了不起的行家,他嚴厲,同時也極有同情心。
- There's no point in asking Harry for a donation for starving children; he's as hard as nails. 不用要求哈里給飢餓的孩子們捐贈些東西,他是個無情感的傢伙。
- After a summer of work in the country,I was as hard as nails,hard as nails,without a pound of extra weight. 在鄉長下勞動一個暑假之後,我的身體十分強壯而體重並沒有增加。
- Although he seemed thin and undersized compared with his cousins,he was really as hard as nails and didn't fall ill half as often as they did. 和堂兄弟們相比,他看上去好像又瘦又矮小,實際上他身體好像又瘦又矮小,實際上他身體非常強壯,生病的次數比他們少多了。
- She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。