- The Shanghai TV Station is in it. 上海電視台在裡面。
- Shanghai TV station (building of STV) new large building is 125 meters tall, it is office of a market, bank, meal, recreation and conference the omnibus edifice at an organic whole. 上海電視台(STV)新大廈樓高125米,是一幢集辦公、銀行、餐飲、娛樂和會議於一體的綜合性大廈。
- Studio Complex Building of Shanghai TV Station 上海電視台電視製作綜合樓
- Which TV station is the programme on? 這個節目在哪家電視台播放?
- That TV station was in the ratings cellar. 那家電視台的收視率最低。
- They live in the neighbourhood of the TV station. 他們住在電視台附近。
- Rebuild and Design of Virtual Studio in Shanghai TV Station with Improved Sound Quality 上海電視台虛擬演播廳音質改建設計
- Comperes of Shanghai TV Station 上海電視台主持人介紹
- Protesting students occupied the TV station. 抗議的學生佔領了電視台。
- They were students of Shanghai TV University ten years ago. 他們十年前是上海廣播電視大學的學生。
- His father works at a TV station. 他父親在電視台工作。
- Do you know when the new TV station will be set up? 知道新電視台何時建成嗎?
- Excuse me, is this the right way to the TV station? 請問到電視台走這條路對嗎?露西:是。
- They live in the neighborhood of the TV station. 他們住在電視台附近。
- A2.Beef udon [noodle soup] at the TV station. (在電視台吃牛肉麵(湯麵)。)
- She works as a news reader in a local TV station. 她在一家地方電視台當新聞廣播員。
- The meeting was sponsored by the TV station. 這次會議由電視台主辦。
- The TV station stopped broadcasting for the day. 電視公司結束了當天的播放。
- He used to work for the TV station. 車站;廣播電台;電視台;電視頻道.
- She is a weathergirl in a TV station. 她在電視台負責發播氣象信息。