- Was it once dated to be simitar in Yuan dynasty?Now I lose! 啊!!!前一陣子不是有斷元代彎刀的嗎?這下虧大了!
- The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty. 元代回回人繼承了唐宋時代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技術。
- In Yuan dynasty small axe,broadax,and broad body axe were used more. 元代多用小斧、大斧、寬體大斧。
- The prevailed of the Nestorianism brought a deep effect in religion field in Yuan Dynasty. 景教在元代中國十分盛行,對元代的宗教生活產生了深刻的影響。
- From this, we can see "ABB" three-syllable word is a very important word formation in Yuan Dynasty. 這種現象既符合近代漢語辭彙的發展趨勢,也清晰地展示了元代語言的特有面貌。
- More over, it belonged to Kaiyuan road in Yuan dynasty and Sachahewei (also called Sanchahewei) in Ming dynasty. 這裡隋屬靺鞨,唐屬渤海;遼時為加強邊防和繁榮邊貿,曾設立寧江州;
- The great hall of the prefectural office was initially built in Tang Dynasty and rebuilt in Yuan Dynasty. 州署大堂始建於唐代,元代重建,現存三進院落,為國家重點文物保護單位。
- Western minority poet Buhumu and his sons Hui Hui, Nao Nao are famous ministers in Yuan dynasty. 摘要西域少數民族詩人不忽木與其子回回、巎巎都是元朝一代名臣。
- YuJi is a great composer in Yuan Dynasty,and he stands ranks first with the four litterateurs of Ru faction. 虞集為元代文章大家,名列「儒林四傑」之首。
- In Yuan dynasty, monogamy and polygamy coexist. People at that time paid special attention to the content and form of marriage certificate. 元代婚姻實行一夫一妻和一夫多妻並存,在婚姻成立的要件與締結制度中,特別注重婚書的內容與形式的撰寫;
- There were two main techniques for sea salt making in ancient China: pouring-boiling technique before Ming Dynasty and beaching-solarization beginning in Yuan Dynasty. 摘要我國古代海鹽生產技術主要有兩種:明代之前的淋煎法和元代開始興起的灘曬法,目前學界對淋煎法的起源問題迄無定論。
- It has many celebrated personages asgreat artists,from Zhao Mengfu in Yuan dynasty to Wu Changshuo,Wang Geyi,Zhu Lesan,Tan Jiancheng in present age. 鄭世武先生自幼酷愛書畫,勤奮學習、虛心求教、刻苦取精。
- Taoistic poems written by poets in the Taoist art tide, were abundant and ranked the top of poems by aesthetic standard in Yuan Dynasty. 非道士詩人在具有道教傾向的文藝潮流之中,寫下了大量的代表元詩最高藝術水平的道化詩。
- People in Yuan dynasty liked drinking very much, ranging from royalty to civilian, there were broadly social masses with drinking wine. 元人尚飲,熏風酷烈,上至皇室貴族,下至平民百姓,飲酒的社會群體十分龐大。
- In Yuan Dynasty, KaraKorum established transport commissioner, and He Lin Xuan wei and the administrative department of He Lin Lu and so on. 元朝滅亡后,蒙古統治中心又從中原地區移至漠北。
- Speak of in the dollar ambition with square generation the government in Yuan Dynasty issue order the city wall of demolition everyplace. 元代方誌中提到元朝政府下令拆毀各地的城牆。
- Among kinds of banknotes in Yuan Dynasty found in Erjina, a banknote of" Zhiyuan Tongbao" is unique and has added a new variety to Chinese artifact repository. 在額濟納見到了多種元鈔,其中一張至元通行寶鈔壹貫是國內僅此一張的文物,因而為我國文物寶庫又增加了一個新的品種。
- The ruling class of Yuan Dynasty enthroned Islam and promoted Muslim, while the Ming Dynasty held it down, therefore Islam enjoyed a higher position in Yuan than in Ming. 元統治者推崇伊斯蘭教,重用穆斯林,明王朝對其壓制、排斥,故元代穆斯林地位高於明代。
- In the end, the traditional belief of Pure Land of White Lotus in Yuan Dynasty coexisted with the belief of Chinese folk belief of preceptor Hop-pocket (Budai) then and there. 元代傳統的白蓮凈土信仰,與當時中國化、民間化的布袋信仰,彼此也是共存的。