- There 's little ink in the inkbottle. 墨水瓶里幾乎沒墨水了。
- My name 『s little Dopy.I』m very slow. 1. 我的名字叫小遲鈍,我很慢。
- The little tern bird is endangered in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales and has only nested in the area twice in the past three years. 據澳大利亞廣播公司1月26日報道,燕鷗在南澳大利亞州、維多利亞州以及新南威爾士州都已瀕臨滅絕。在過去3年中,這種鳥只到這些地方築過兩次巢。
- May I ask a few more questions about that point? It 's little obscure . 關於那個論點我可以問一些問題嗎?它有點兒模糊不清。
- Jane' s less beautiful than Mary. 簡不如瑪麗漂亮。
- There' s little merit in passing the driving test if you don' t have a car of your own. 如果你沒有自己的汽車,通過駕駛考試也沒什麼價值。
- But as Pinker』s little friends consume the book, it becomes clear that he』s a geek. 總之,中國難以承擔多哈回合失敗造成的沉重代價,應該提高對當前談判的重視,更加積極主動參與,推動談判取得最佳效果。
- Saunders's Little Ternn. 小燕鷗
- Given the diligence with which Arenas has rehabbed from his most recent injury, there\'s little question that Agent Zero will return as before. 為了恢復傷病,重新找回狀態,阿瑞納斯努力訓練,問題是之前的0號是否能回來。
- Matos is organizing an FIU lecture series this semester on the Islam』s little known history in Latin America, she said. 馬特思這學期在佛羅里達國際大學組織了一系列講座,在拉丁美洲講授「伊斯蘭鮮為人知的歷史」,她說。
- Eight-month-old Blue was taken in by the RSPCA's Little Valley animal shelter, in Exeter, Devon, last November, because his owners could not devote enough time to him. 近日,為了能給一隻失聰的小牧羊犬找到安身之處,英國一家動物保護所的工作人員正在給小狗進行為期兩個月的手語學習。
- The ancient literatures have more records, such as Ni Zan』s little pen and his solitary mind and Shi Lu』s brushwork of lumps and the plums in his later years. 作品如倪瓚疏落的筆意與他寂寥的心情,石魯疙里疙瘩的筆意與他晚年的梅花等等。
- TERN's balance sheet remains solid. tern的資產負債表保持著良好狀態。
- Gabby』s little sister Alex originally was very pesky and annoying, but as the actress went through a growth spurtthey made her character more mature and a bigger part of the cast. 加比的妹妹亞歷克斯開始時很討人厭,但是當演員有所成長之後,他們使她的性格變得更加成熟而且戲份也比以前有所增加。
- Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There 's less draught . 也許您喜歡坐在房間中央吧? 那兒風小些。
- With the games over, they are now turning to Hebei』s less dependably pure supplies. 而當奧運會圓滿結束之後,便開始使用從河北引來的質量不能得到保證的水。
- And the scant and skimpy equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer』s least favored form of recreation. 慢跑僅需要簡單湊合的裝備,商家們從中無利可圖,必然對它毫無熱情。
- The bank s mission, on the other hand, now spans all the world s least tractable problems. 另一方面,世界銀行現在的任務遍及全球,而且全是一些最容易處理的問題。
- Unlike size or value, though, hue is not intrinsically ordered or quantitative, so it』s less ideal for conveying that sort of data. 和尺寸或者值不同,顏色本質上不是順序的,也不是定量的,因此並不太適合表達這種類型的數據。
- Saunders and Allen both died during the rising. 桑德斯和阿倫兩人均在起義中捐驅。