- Yesterday before dawn, fled located at Zhuhai Doumen District's sargent gloryvine lake alligator island many alligators in the typhoon. 昨日凌晨,位於珠海市斗門區的白藤湖鱷魚島多條鱷魚在颱風中出逃。
- Sargent peered askance through his slanted glasses. 薩金特透過歪戴著的眼鏡斜睨著他。
- Cyril Sargent: his name and seal. 西里爾·薩金特:他的姓名和印記。
- In long shady strokes Sargent copied the data. 薩金特用長長的、顫悠悠的筆劃抄寫著數字。
- Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory Sargent T.J. 動態宏觀理論。
- In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. 薩金特用長而顫巍巍的筆畫抄錄了數據。
- John Singer Sargent - A Biography. 薩金特歌手約翰-傳。
- He had given Sargent Shriver the job of spying out the land. 他派薩金特·施賴弗負責暗中了解情況。
- Exercise in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory Sargent T.J. 動態宏觀理論習題。
- Sargent who alone had lingered came forward slowly, showing an open copybook. 薩金特獨自留了下來。
- The other notable event occurred during Sargent Shriver's last visit to Texas. 另外一件值得記住的事件發生在薩金特.;施賴弗最後一次來德克薩斯州期間。
- Below ran this inscription: AT THE SIGN OF SERGEANT OF WATERLOO (Au Sargent de Waterloo). 木板的下端有這樣幾個字:滑鐵盧中士客寓。
- With charities CLIC Sargent and Right To Play, Chelsea is doing so many good things at so many levels. 里卡多,雖然狀況仍舊不是很好,但又作出了一次非常非常棒的表演;而我們又一次闖進了決賽。這樣的成績太優異。
- "Everything that's warm gives off some heat.Even people and animals give off heat," Sargent said. 所以,實際上是一些能量存在於紅外光譜中,即使是在我們看來似乎是黑暗的物體上。」
- M. Sargent, et al., 「Theory of a Zeeman laser I」 , Phys. Rev., Vol. 164, pp. 436, 1967. 丁勝懋,雷射工程導論,中央圖書出版社,台北市,台灣,1995。
- John: In its heyday, people like Elgar and Sir Henry Wood and Malcolm Sargent would come to conduct these orchestras. 面對金色沙灘、碧綠的大海、藍色的天空,簇擁在圓頂大看台里欣賞著名導演指揮的樂隊表演。
- My husband came several times to the sittings. On one occasion Mr. Sargent sent for him specially. He rode across the Park to Tite Street. 我丈夫也來過幾次,Sargent先生曾經特意請他過去。他穿過了台特大街的公園。
- My sister, on the occasion of her visit to the studio during my last sitting, remembers seeing Mr. Sargent paint my scarf with one sweep of his brush. 我的姐姐某次在我做模特兒的時候拜訪過畫室,她還記得看見Sargent先生正在畫我的圍巾。
- Sargent would press home the fact that the subtleties of paint must be controlled by continually viewing the work from a distance. Sargent一再強調,細節的描繪一定要控制好,要在經常遠離畫面不斷觀察的前提下完成。
- CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading children's cancer charity, has been short listed with nine other charities to win 100,000 from Daily Mail. 你可以投票支持切爾西俱樂部的官方慈善對象支持英國兒童癌症基金會,這項投票活動在一份國家報紙上舉行的。