- A bookstore on Dong An Road. It's at a corner, is not it? 東安路的一家書店,在一個拐角上,是不是?
- Li Ruiying, Bai Yansong and Dong Qing were the top 3 in the first grade, while Wang Ning, Sa Beining and Li Wenjing were the top 3 in the 2nd grade. 李瑞英、白岩松、董卿分列甲等前三名;乙等前三名分別是王寧、撒貝南、李文靜。
- A locomotive pounded dong the railway track. 一輛機車沿鐵道隆隆地前行。
- She wasn't one of those girls whoare all Sa and IT. 她不是那種渾身都散發著性感的野姑娘。
- Round The World International Travel Services SA. 南非環宇國際旅遊服務公司。
- SA is by far the driest Australian state. 到目前為止,南澳是澳大利亞最乾燥的州。
- Jeff is back on his old stamping ground dong the thing he loves best. 傑夫回到他常去消遣的老地方干他最喜歡的事情去了。
- Enter and confirm a strong sa logon password. 輸入並確認sa強登錄密碼。
- Never set a blank or weak sa password. 絕對不要設置空的或弱的sa密碼。
- I am bound for La Sa; that is my destination. 我去拉薩,那是我的目的地。
- You are welcome to Dong Fang Night Club. 歡迎您光臨東方夜總會。
- You cannot create an alias for the sa login. 不能為sa登錄創建別名。
- Does the GOK window expand to fill the full screen width? 20 GOK視窗的寬度會否自動增加至整個畫面的寬度?
- The swimming pool in Yin Dong is bigger. 銀洞那個比較大。
- And best of all, we beat the Spurs in SA AGAIN! 最高興的是,我們又一次在聖安東尼奧贏了馬刺!
- China is divided into two tenants think Gok Feng Hou. 又分民租戶二斛以為侯奉。
- Hong Kong lies to the south of Guang Dong province. 香港位於廣東省的南面。
- Can you please tell me what SA stands for? 你可以告訴我SA代表什麼嗎?
- Hu Dong, I have found something interesting. 胡東,我發現了些有意思的東西。
- The cause of this diseas is kept unknown sa far. 造成這種疾病的原因迄今幾乎一無所知。