- In Changchun, you can also degustate authentic Cold Noodle of Chinese Korean Nationality. 在長春你還能品嘗到最正宗的朝鮮族冷麵和泡菜,冷麵的主料為白面、蕎麥麵和澱粉。
- Once upon a time, the mighty Koguryo lorded over a large chunk of today\''s Chinese territory, and today\''s Korean nationalists view the \''lost\'' territory with a hungry eye. 而曾經在很久以前,強大的高句麗稱雄於今日中國的一大片領土,因此今日的韓國民族主義者以渴望(hungry)的眼光將此土地視為「失去」的領土。(譯註:作者在這裡並不忌諱表露自己對中國領土的興趣,中國朝族當作何感想。
- Seeing this excited scene and these children, people have reasons to believe, in the near future, Korean nationality should go to together eventually! 看到這激動的場面和這些孩子,人們有理由相信,在不遠的將來,朝鮮民族終究要走到一起!
- The love is not abstract, I like the Korean nationality, value the friendship between the Korean friend getting in touch with me too. 愛不是抽象的,我喜歡朝鮮民族,也珍視和我聯繫過的朝鮮朋友之間的友誼。
- If so, the peninsula's peace and the fate of the Korean nation "will face a precarious situation. 如果這樣,半島的和平和朝鮮民族的命運「將面臨岌岌可危的局面」。
- JIN Bo-lu,ZHANG Xi-you.1994b.Study on geology of Changbaishan Tianchi volcano [ M].Educational Press of Korean Nationality in Northeast China,Yanji (in Chinese). 金伯祿;張希友.;1994b
- I refuse to pay a salary to a player who has ruined Italian football ?AC Perugia president Luciano Gaucci after his club『s Korean Republic striker Ahn Jung-Hwan knocked Italy out of the World Cup. 我拒絕給一個斷送了義大利足球的球員發工資佩魯賈隊主席盧西亞諾-高奇在他旗下的韓國前鋒安貞煥把義大利隊趕出世界盃之後如是說。
- On the strength of these "regulations," the Japanese imperialists wantonly put down and obliterated the beautiful manners and customs of the Korean nation. 日帝國主義者推出這些法律法規的最陰險之處在於,他們毫無顧忌的詆毀扼殺我國優秀的文化傳統與禮儀。
- Indeed, the entire Korean nation is said to have descended from a bear who, according to legend, survived on mugwort and garlic for 20 days before turning into a woman and giving birth to Tangun, the father of Korea, 5,000 years ago. 事實上,根據傳說,韓國是熊的後代,5000年前,一隻熊靠艾蒿和蒜頭度過了20天,然後變成女人,誕下一子,名曰「檀君」,即為韓國的祖先。
- The Japanese, however, without realizing their control over the colonized Korean nation or support for the separation of the two Koreas, regard these movies only as macho movies," he said cuttingly. 但是,日本人沒有體會到他們對韓國的殖民統治,也沒有支持韓國的分裂,他們只把這些電影看成剛陽味十足的影片」,他斬釘截斬鐵的說。
- Therefore, the first Korean national flag is a white out-and-out black flag logo of the Tai Chi Bagua. 所以,最早的朝鮮國旗是一面不折不扣的白底黑色圖案的太極八卦旗。
- Lee also teaches film directing and screenwriting at the Korean National University of Arts. 李滄東現時於韓國國立藝術大學教授執導及編劇技巧。
- Korean nationalism is well-known throughout Asia and even the world, and then you have China, its stronger neighbor. 韓國人的民族主義傾向在亞洲乃至世界都出了名,而中國又是它的強鄰。
- This is the view that some of the Korean national sentiment rising, 「Han」 suffering from allergies, is an arrogant nation xenophobia in the psychological effect. 認為這是一些韓國人民族情緒上升,對「漢」字患有過敏症,是一種民族排外自大心理在作用。
- Japanese officials have a roved new economic sanctio agai t North Korea, ba ing all North Korean imports and shi and most North Korean nationals. 日本官員批准對北韓實行新的經濟制裁措施,禁止北韓進口品和船隻以及絕大多數北韓公民進入日本。
- The South Korean national troops show the xuan wise (Shen Hejun the decoration) are a military deserter, he loathes to the war, even has thought of the suicide. 韓國國軍表鉉哲(申河均飾)是一個逃兵,他對戰爭非常厭惡,甚至想到了自殺。
- Of course, the eunuchs surface modified four Gua the origins of the flag in South Korea must be ignored, and the Korean national flag is how can the design of two foreigners? 當然這面改進型的太監四卦旗的來歷在韓國一定要被忽略掉,大韓民族的國旗怎麽可以是兩 個外國人設計的?
- Study on Bird Worship in Myth of Korean Nationality 朝鮮民族神話中的鳥崇拜研究
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。