- surgical supply room 外科供應室
- You are going to start in the supply room. 你開始將在領料間工作。
- You're going to start in the supply room. 你開始將在領料間工作。
- You is going to start in the supply room. 你開始將在領料間工作。
- Objective:To analyze the cause of problems existed in supply room and clinic coordination and seek countermeasures. 目的:分析供應室與臨床科室配合中易於發生糾紛的原因並尋求對策。
- Methods: Two different ways were employed to sterilize the germfree section of supply room. 方法:分別應用兩種消毒方法對供應室無菌區進行消毒,並計算菌落數。
- Objective: The applications of disinfection supply room in the hospital infection control work. 目的消毒供應室在醫院感染管理工作中的應用。
- Objective To improve the consciousness of occupational hazards and occupational protection of nurses in supply room. 目的為提高供應室護士對職業危害的認識,加強職業防護意識。
- Inspect fire protection equipments for power supply room and emergency generator room and ensure proper operation of all equipments and system. 檢查配電室及發電機房消防設備情況並保持完好狀態。
- Results: The sound system and management of disinfection supply room is the key of the prevention of nosocomial infections. 結果消毒供應室完善的制度及管理工作是預防院內感染的關鍵。
- Mike: Checking every nook and cranny on this floor. And you'll never believe what I saw this old lady doing in the supply room. 邁克:這層每個角落我都找了,我在公用室里發現了一件怪事,說了你也不信?
- Objective: To compare the effectivess of air sterilization by multiple functional ozone sterilizing equipment and ultraviolet radiation in the germfree section of supply room. 摘要目的:比較紫外線照射消毒與臭氧消毒器消毒對供應室無菌區的消毒效果。
- September 11, Tongzhou District, Beijing limit room for Yao Hao, a 2780 two sets of limited housing supply room, but Yao Hao to participate in the on-site but only 469 families. 9月11日,北京通州區限價房進行搖號時,有2780套兩限房房源供應,但現場參加搖號的卻僅有469戶家庭。
- The hospital imported some surgical instruments. 醫院進口了一些外科器械。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宮切除術將子宮的全部或部分通過外科手術切除
- Surgical removal of all or part of a lung. 肺切除術,肺部分切除術對整個或部分肺的外科手術切除
- Yet as with minicomputers, the tabletop copiers allowed a larger population of unskilled people to make copies in closets and nearby supply rooms. 然而,如同小型機一樣,桌面型複印機讓很多不擅長技術的人員可以在小房間和附近的庫房進行複印。
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除術手術切除部分虹膜
- Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve. 神經切除神經或其一部分的外科節除手術
- The hospital have a medical ward and a surgical ward. 這醫院有內科病房和外科病房。