- EdgeGlow--- Finds edges in the input image using Sobel or Gradient edge detection routines. 邊界光暈,?使用Sobel或漸變邊界檢測的方法找到給出圖像的邊界。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 戰爭因軍火不足而失敗。
- The shortage can be put down to bad planning. 短缺是由計劃不周造成的。
- The gasoline shortage caused by driver's strikes. 汽油短缺是由司機罷工引起的。
- Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage. 暴風雨使燃料的缺乏狀況更加惡化。
- This area has an acute shortage of water. 這個地方缺水嚴重。
- Food shortage often occur in times of war. 戰爭期間常發生糧食短缺現象。
- The bad harvest led to severe food shortage. 歉收引起食物嚴重短缺。
- Many deserted during the food shortage. 許多人在飢荒中逃往他鄉。
- The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up. 西紅柿的短缺提高了它的價格。
- Power shortage browned out the city that winter. 那年冬天,由於電力不足,市裡採取了部分停電供應措施。
- We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel. 我們苦於嚴重缺乏燃料。
- There is an acute housing shortage in our city. 我們市裡房荒問題很嚴重。
- The total shortage was 500 tons. 短缺之總額為五百噸。
- There is a shortage of salt in this country. 這個國家缺少鹽。
- He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research. 他總是嘆息研究經費不足。
- Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food. 戰爭的持續意味著食品短缺。
- Therefore, I was adjusted into the SQA department. 系統的掌握了集成、單元和自動化測試;
- A severe natural gas shortage shut down many plants. 天然氣的嚴重缺乏使許多家工廠都停工了。
- The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. 乾旱少雨使原本就很嚴重的糧食短缺問題更加嚴重。