- Spleen necrosis virus(SNV) 脾壞死病毒
- spleen necrosis virus 脾壞死病毒
- Duck spleen necrosis virus 鴨脾壞死病毒
- The helicase genes of Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) and TFV were characterized, sequence analysed. 應用生物信息學軟體對鱖魚傳染性脾腎壞死病毒(ISKNV)和虎紋蛙病毒(TFV)的解旋酶(helicase)基因進行了序列結構分析,並探討了該基因的功能結構域。
- infectious spleen and kidney necrosis viru(sISKNV) 傳染性脾腎壞死病毒
- Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus, ISKNV 根據鱖魚傳染性脾腎壞死病毒
- Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus(ISKNV) 傳染性脾腎壞死病毒(ISKNV)
- infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) 傳染性脾腎壞死病毒
- Based on these characteristics,HmNV seemed to be probably a strainof TNV or a member of tobacco necrosis virus group. 根據這些性質,HmNV應是煙草壞死病毒的一個株系或是煙草壞死病毒組的一個成員。
- Iridovirus and nervous necrosis virus (NNV) both were isolated from various grouper, sea bream and sea bass. 無論如何,虹彩病毒和神經壞死病毒都分離自海產的石斑、海鯛、鱸魚,危害相當大。
- Keywords: Peanut bud necrosis disease; Peanut bud necrosis virus; wild Arachis species; field resistance. Document Type: Research article ... 關鍵詞:花生芽壞死病;花生芽壞死病毒;野生花生種;實地阻力。文件類型:科研文章...
- A260/A280was 1.82,A260/A235 was 1.57.In the agar double diffusion tests,HmNVshowed cross pecipitate line with the antiserum of tobacco necrosis virus (T-NV),but no reaction with the antiserum of melon necrotic spot virus (MN-SV). A260/A280比值為1.;82;A260/A235比值為1
- Arimoto, M., K. Mushiake, Y. Mizuta, K. Muroga, I. Furusawa.(1992) "Detection of striped jack nervous necrosis virus (SJNNV) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)." Fish Pathol 27:191-195. 謝凈如(2002),魚類神經壞死症病毒單源抗體之建立定性及應用,國立台灣大學動物學研究所碩士論文,台北。
- He March this year, the preliminary tests showed that laser can not only to eliminate tobacco necrosis virus and M13 phage viruses, can destroy HIV in the test tube. 他今年3月進行的初步測試顯示,激光不僅可以消滅煙草壞死病毒和M13噬菌體病毒,還能摧毀試管中的艾滋病病毒。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找個人出出氣。
- I waited for him to get the rest of the spleen out of his system. 我等著他把心頭的余努全部發泄出來。
- infectious pancreatic necrosis virus of fish 魚傳染性胰壞死病毒
- Advances in Nervous Necrosis Virus of Fish 魚類病毒性神經壞死病研究現狀
- Atlantic halibut nervous necrosis virus, 庸鰈神經壞死病毒
- Salmon ulcerative dermal necrosis virus 鮭潰瘍性皮壞死病毒