- Shock Care Unit 休克護理病房
- The intensive care unit, any place with four walls? 重症監護病房,一個密不透風的地方?
- Acute neuromuscular weakness in the intensive care unit. 病人的急性神經肌肉萎縮。
- A Study of Hand Hygiene in the Postanesthesia Care Unit - It's About Time! 麻醉后監護室中手衛生狀況的研究-是時候了!
- She is in isolation in an intensive care unit and is in stable condition. 她正在深切治療部接受隔離,情況穩定。
- After the angioplasty procedure, you will be moved to a special care unit. 病人在接受完血管成形術后將會被送到一個特殊的護理病房。
- Due to the seriousness of his condition, he was put in the intensive care unit. 由於病情嚴重,醫生把他安排在了特護病室。
- He'd been rescued by a Blackfoot Indian,had lain unconscious for six days in a Montana hospital's intensive care unit,and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye. 在蒙大拿一家醫院的特別護理室昏迷了六天,最終還是留下神經損傷和右眼失明的後遺症。
- We compared HBS and ABS (remifentanil-based sedation) within a general intensive care unit (ICU). 基於催眠的鎮靜(HBS)常規使用咪唑安定和/或異丙酚,在必要時加用嗎啡或其他鎮痛藥物。
- Anyone who has been exposed to gaseous HF and experiences respiratory irritation should also be admitted to and monitored in an intensive care unit. 應該把任何已經暴露於氣態HF並且受到了呼吸道刺激的人也送入加護病房,小心監護。
- When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awesome feeling knowing I, too, had been a patient there. 當我走進特別護理室時,一種敬畏之感油然而生,因為我知道自己也曾是這裡的病人。
- He was discharged from the intensive care unit last week and transferred to a general ward. 上星期他從加護病房轉到普通病房。
- Myopathy and the concurrent administration of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blockers are well described in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. 在ICU,肌病與同時給予皮質類固醇和神經肌肉阻滯劑被詳細記錄。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 這件事把我嚇得兩腿發軟。
- Objective: To investigate the incidence and risk factors of nosocomial MRSA infections in intensive care unit(ICU). 目的:了解耐甲氧西林金葡菌(MRSA)在重症監護病房(ICU)的感染及相關因素,為有效控制感染提供科學依據。
- Objective:To Provide the clinical evidence of hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit(ICU). 目的:為防治ICU的醫院感染提供臨床依據。
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的減震裝置緩解了我們著陸時的衝撞力。
- His mother's death was a great shock to him. 他母親之死對他精神上打擊很大。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你樂意的話,可以這樣做。
- The shock made me go all weak at the knees. 這件事把我嚇得兩腿發軟。