- Visit Darling Harbor, Royal Botanic Garden. 遊覽情人港、皇家植物園。
- A: Excuse me, is this the bus to the Royal Botanic Garden? 請問這輛車是去皇家植物園的嗎?
- And the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens, it says in the guide book that it's really serene and a great spot for a picnic. 還要去悉尼皇家植物園,導遊手冊上說那是野餐的好去處。
- A district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in1759 and presented to the nation in1841. 克佑區英格蘭東南部大倫敦區的西部一區。著名的皇家植物園於1759年建立,1841年被獻給國家
- On 3 July 2003 the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was officially inscribed on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. 英國克佑區皇家植物園於2003年7月3日被聯合國教科文組織正式列入世界遺產之列。
- A district of western Greater London in southeast England.The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in1759and presented to the nation in1841. 克佑區英格蘭東南部大倫敦區的西部一區。著名的皇家植物園於1759年建立,1841年被獻給國家
- Main Attractions: Sydney Harbor, Sydney Opera House (location), Bondi Beach, Canberra city, the Royal Botanic Gardens, The Rocks, Gold Coast. 主要景點:悉尼港、悉尼歌劇院(外景)、邦迪海灘、堪培拉市容、皇家植物園、岩石區、黃金海岸等。
- Royal Botanic Gardens in Australia's largest tens of thousands of species of plants, unknown to hide a secret, which explore the hidden secrets. 在澳大利亞最大皇家植物園的幾萬種植物中,隱藏著一個不為人知的秘密,探尋其中隱藏的秘密。
- The new strategy is discussed after the experience was explained from botanic gardens especially Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in UK in the new age. 進入新世紀,植物園在發展戰略、功能和發展方向等方面發生了變化,從而取得新成果。
- Kew Gardens,a district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in 1759 and presented to the nation in 1841. 克佑區,英格蘭東南部大倫敦區的西部一區。著名的皇家植物園於1759年建立,1841年獻給國家。
- An investigation report of Rhododendron from Rock Garden,Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh,U.K. 英國愛丁堡皇家植物園石山園中杜鵑調查報告
- Walking the rim of Sydney Cove from Campbell's Cove to Bennelong Point, and up into the serenity of the Royal Botanic Gardens, a look at the faces tells you that, like New York, Sydney is one of the world's great melting pots. 沿著悉尼灣,從堪姆貝爾灣到貝尼龍,再走到寧靜的皇家植物園,沿途各種膚色的行人都說明悉尼和紐約一樣是世界的一個大熔爐。
- Australia's Purnululu Park, Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso in Chile, and the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, United Kingdom were some sites included in the new list. 澳大利亞的波奴魯魯國家公園、智利法耳巴拉索港的歷史區、英國皇家植物園等幾個歷史文化景點都列選錄入了世界遺產名錄。
- China is also, historically, closely associated with flowers and herbs and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is renowned for the cultivation and scientific study of the flora of China. 中國的花卉和草藥久富盛名,而愛丁堡皇家植物園也以科學培育和研究中國花卉而著稱。
- Sydney City tour. Visit Mrs. Macquarie's Chair, Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Harbour Cruise with lunch on board. Visit Hyde Park, CBD. 1800 dinner. Relax in the evening. 悉尼0900英語學習,1200午餐,悉尼市區觀光:中午乘船暢遊悉尼海灣,船上享用自助餐,遊覽麥葛理角、悉尼歌劇院、皇家植物園、海港大橋。1800晚餐,晚上休息。
- Area attractions include Cootes Paradise, the Bruce Trail, the Niagara Escarpment, the Waterfront Trail, and the Royal Botanical Gardens. 網站簡介: McMaster's campus; which is restricted to pedestrian traffic; is at the western end of Lake Ontario.
- Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria 皇家植物園和國家植物標本室
- Ground Cover Plants in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 英國愛丁堡皇家植物園的地被植物
- Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 英國皇家植物園(又稱「邱園」)