- But so far only a few people have taken up the study of the problems of strategy and the theory of war. 戰略問題和戰爭理論問題的研究,至今還只限於極少數人的工作。
- We must now pay great attention to all these things,but most of all to the theory of war and strategy. 所有這些,我們今後都應該注意,而戰爭和戰略的理論則是一切的骨幹。
- In Tolstoy's dubious theory of war, Napoleon was a mere monky riding an elephant. 根據托爾斯泰那個靠不住的戰爭理論,拿破崙不過是騎在大象身上的一隻猢猻。
- The cruelty of war made his gorge rise. 戰爭之殘酷使她十分反感。
- In Tolstoy's dubious theory of war, Napoleon was a mere monkey riding an elephant. 根據托爾斯泰那個靠不住的戰爭理論,拿破崙不過是騎在大象身上的一隻猢猻。
- Rumors of war disquieted the people. 戰爭的謝意使人們心感不安。
- We must now pay great attention to all these things, but most of all to the theory of war and strategy. 所有這些,今後都應該注意,而戰爭和戰略的理論則是一切的骨幹。
- The attack on the ship is viewed as an act of war. 攻擊了那條船已視作戰爭行為。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦提出了相對論的新學說。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 戰爭的威脅使經濟蕭條。
- Food shortage often occur in times of war. 戰爭期間常發生糧食短缺現象。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦的相對論。
- All spoils of war should be delivered up. 所有的戰利品都必須上交。
- Inspecting the practical cases of war, summarizing the theory of it, this unfinished work became a lasting masterpiece of martial classics at the end. 這本未完成的著作由於從戰例實際出發考察,總結戰爭理論,終於成為流傳後世的軍事學經典理論名著。
- National unity is essential in time of war. 舉國團結在戰時是非常重要的。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波動理論嗎?
- After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease. 戰亂之後瘟疫又接踵而來。
- On the Religious Theory of the Thrid Generation Collective Leadship of the CPC 試析中國共產黨第三代領導集體的宗教理論
- These events led to the declaration of war. 這些事件導致了宣戰。
- The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war. 攻擊了那條船已視作戰爭行為。