- You can see this by reading the resolution adopted at the Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Army of the Red Army. 大家看看紅軍第四軍第九次黨代表大會的決議就可以了解。
- Selfish departmentalism -- they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses. (六)本位主義,一切只知道為四軍打算,不知道武裝地方群眾是紅軍的重要任務之一。
- Question: Is there any friction with the New Fourth Army? 問:新四軍方面有無磨擦?
- This article was a resolution drawn up by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Army of the Red Army. 這是毛澤東為中國共產黨紅軍第四軍第九次代表大會寫的決議的第一部分。
- To wipe out the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei. (三)消滅皖南的新四軍;
- Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army. 第四、恢複葉挺自由,繼續充當新四軍軍長;
- Since the Fourth Army of the Red Army accepted the directives of the Central Committee,there has been a great decrease in the manifestations of ultra-democracy. 紅軍第四軍在接受中央指示之後,極端民主化的現象,減少了許多。
- Release Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army. 恢複葉挺自由,繼續充當新四軍軍長。
- It was carried out not only in the Fourth Army but also in all other units of the Red Army successively; in this way the whole Chinese Red Army became a genuine army of the people in every respect. 這個決議不但在紅軍第四軍實行了,後來各部分紅軍都先後不等地照此做了,這樣就使整個中國紅軍完全成為真正的人民軍隊。
- The following year, he was joined by Zhu De and Chen Yi with what was left of their army after the failed Nanchang Uprising. Thus was established what is known as the Fourth Army of the Chinese Red Army. 第二年,朱德、陳毅率南昌起義余部到達井岡山,跟毛澤東部會師,成立了中國工農紅軍第四軍。
- The Fourth Army became one of the Romanian armies fighting for the Red Army on the Eastern Front. 第四步兵師同樣是東線為蘇軍作戰的羅馬尼亞軍隊之一。
- The attack on the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei and the reactionary Order of January 17 are only the first open signs of this plot. 襲擊皖南新四軍部隊和發布一月十七日的反動命令,不過是此種計劃表面化的開端。
- Our broom is the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army. 我們的掃帚就是共產黨、八路軍和新四軍。
- The Fourth Army now began a campaingn through the south of Jiangsi, which rapidly developed successfully. 第四軍這時迅速而順利地展開了打通江西南部的戰鬥。
- Then why should you prevent the New Fourth Army from moving into that area and try to wipe it out while it was still in southern Anhwei? 你們為什麼不讓它到那裡去,要在皖南就消滅它呢?
- The Plan and It's Abandon of New Fourth Army to Capture the Big City of Nanjian, Shanghai and Hangzhou etc. 新四軍奪取寧滬杭大城市計劃及其放棄。
- The Development in the Historical Research on New Fourth Army since the Founding of P. R.C. 建國后新四軍歷史研究的發展。
- The First army medical college and The Fourth army medical college give the big and powerful research. 第一、第四軍醫大學強大的科研支持。
- Increased danger from the Japanese in 1940 and ill health caused Smedley to leave her beloved New Fourth Army. 1940年,日軍的嚴重威脅和健康不佳,促使史沫特萊離開了她深深眷戀的新四軍。
- To declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation. (四)宣布新四軍「叛變」,取消該軍番號。