- By training and check up of the stylebook, it is feasible to determine the highway tunnel"s lock masses and support design. 通過對樣本庫的訓練檢驗,對於公路隧道圍岩類別的劃分和支護設計參數的預測取得了滿意的效果。
- Because the door 's locke and we have not get the key . 因為門鎖上了,我們沒有鑰匙。
- Songhuajiang Dadingzishan Navigation-Power Junction s lock is the only one navigation structure of the "Three Notheastern Provinces" of China, and the first lock on ice-covered river around China. 摘要松花江大頂子山航電樞紐船閘是東北三省唯一的通航建築物,同時也是全國封凍河流上的第一座船閘。
- Motor start torque performance is indicated by the motor『s Locked Rotor Torque (LRT) figure. 電機起動扭矩性能是由電機的鎖定轉子扭矩(LRT)圖表示的。
- Record's lock connector 雷科德(氏)細頭旋扣連接器
- Maximum motor start current under full voltage start conditions is defined by the motor『s Locked Rotor Current (LRC). 全電壓起動條件下最大電機起動電流是由電機鎖定轉子電流(LRC)確定的。
- Study to Diversion Ports for TGP's Lock Filling and Emptying System 三峽船閘輸水系統分流口型式研究
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英國廣播公司經常在節目空檔時播放唱片。
- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record. 這個歹徒罪行累累,罄竹難書。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁帶或磁碟文件的標識說明記錄。
- Has it been found out who set the record? 弄沒弄清楚這記錄是誰創造的?
- The lock 's rather stubborn, it needs oiling. 這鎖相當難打開, 要加點油了。
- I hung up a school record for the high jump. 我創造了學校的跳高紀錄。
- She holds the world record for the long jump. 她保持著跳遠世界紀錄。
- She set a new world record for the high jump. 她創下跳高的新世界紀錄。
- She's going for the world record in the high jump. 她想創造跳高世界紀錄。
- Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years. 剛過去的這個夏季是50年來記錄中雨水最多的。
- I obtained this record for you with difficulty. 我好不容易為你弄到了這張唱片。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。