- Joseph François Marie Anne de Moyriac De Mailla 馮秉正(1669-1748),法國人,字端友,來華傳教士、漢學家。
- Marie Joseph François Garnier 晃西士加尼(1839-73),法國人,殖民地軍官。
- Mr Peter Brown c/o Mme Marie Duval ... 瑪麗·杜瓦爾夫人轉交彼得·布朗先生。
- Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th. 法國瑪麗安東妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。
- The rise of the centrist Fran?ois Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race. 而中間派領導人貝魯的異軍突起也是總統大選呈現三足鼎立之勢。
- The rise of the centrist François Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race. 而中間派領導人貝魯的異軍突起也是總統大選呈現三足鼎立之勢。
- Fran?ois Mitterrand kept his mistress and their daughter hidden in a presidential apartment for years, with the complicity of certain French reporters. 弗朗索瓦密特朗在讓某些法國記者的配合下她的情人和他們的女兒在總統公寓隱藏了數年。
- Marie took an apple as she walked past the tree. 瑪麗從蘋果樹旁走過時摘了一個蘋果。
- When François Mitterrand nationalised France's banks in 1981 he did so because he thought the state would run them better. 密特朗在1981年將法國銀行實行國有化是因為他認為國家能夠更好地運營銀行。
- Last month Fran?ois Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was 「an indicative date」 for competition rather than a firm deadline. 上個月,法國工業部部長弗朗索瓦?羅斯說,2009年只是引入競爭的「一個指示性年份」,並非雷打不動的最後期限。
- Fran came in holding a blue file. 弗蘭拿著一個藍色的文件夾進來了。
- Fran: No, accidentally do or say something. 法蘭:不,是不小心做了或說了什麼。
- Fran: You were smart to hold your tongue. 法蘭:算你聰明沒有長舌。
- Pierre and Marie live in France. 皮埃爾和瑪麗住在法國。
- Mr Sarkozy's prime minister François Fillon said in June that he would come up with a way out of the impasse, but nothing happened. 早在今年6月,法國總理菲永就曾對記者說,會想出一個辦法擺脫僵局,但什麼事都沒有發生。
- Est-ce que tu m'aper?ois hey oh! 你察覺到我了嗎?
- Marie looked at her daughter with consternation. 瑪麗驚愕地看著女兒。
- Marie: The lasagna is delicious, Justin! 瑪麗:賈斯汀,千層面好吃極了!
- Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment. 弗朗決定把房間徹底打掃一下。
- Marie was born to have glorious courage. 瑪麗生來就有非凡的勇氣。