- The blood pressure,renin activity and IVU were normal. IVU排泄功能良好,形態正常。
- The plasma renin activity and aldesterone concerntration were determined with radioimmunoassay. 用放射免疫法測定血漿腎素活性和醛固酮濃度。
- Plasma renin activity (PRA) is usually normal in patients with primary hypertension but is suppressed in about 25% and elevated in about 15%. 原發性高血壓病人的血漿腎素活性(PRA)通常是正常的,但約25%25受抑制,約15%25可能升高。
- The influence of contrast material on renal venous renin activity was evaluated in a prospective study of 20 hypertensive patients. 句型:我們對20例高血壓患者作了前瞻性研究,以評定造影劑對腎靜脈腎素活性的影響。
- We determined the intralymphocytic calcium concentration( [Ca2+ ]i) ,plasma renin activity (PRA) in 13 essential hypertensive patients (EHT) and matched normotensive controls. 檢測13例EHT患者和13例正常人的淋巴細胞內胞漿[Ca~(2+)]i及血漿PRA,並觀察患者經尼群地賓士療2周前、后它們發生的變化。
- Methods Plasma and urine aldo~sterone and cortisol and plasma renin activity were dynamically tested and diagnostic therapy was undergone in 3 affected subjects. 方法 對家系中的患病者進行了醛固酮、皮質醇和腎素活性的動態檢測 ,並對 3名患者進行了地塞米松診斷性治療。
- Blood samples were drawn for determination of plasma concentration of endothlin (ET), atrial natriureticpeptide(ANP), epinephrine(E), norepinenephrine(NE), hyaline acid (HA) and plasma renin activity (PRA). 留取血樣測定血漿內皮素(ET)、心鈉素(ANP)、腎上腺素(E)、去甲腎上腺素(NE)、透明質酸(HA)濃度及腎素活性(PRA)。
- upright Peripheral plasma renin activity 直立時外周血漿腎素活性
- renal vein plasma renin activity 腎靜脈血漿腎素活性
- Influence of losartan on plasma renin activity in patients with hypertension 氯沙坦對高血壓病人腎素活性的影響
- Effect on manganese exposure on blood prolactin and plasma renin activity 錳接觸對血中催乳素和血漿腎素活性的影響
- The office has been humming with activity. 辦公室一直忙著搞活動。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 戰爭的威脅使經濟蕭條。
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相當熱鬧。
- The town was humming with activity. 該市鎮生氣勃勃,呈現一片熱鬧的景象。
- Ra's Al Ghul: Gotham's time has come. 拉斯·爾·福:歌潭鎮的時代已經來臨。
- Koo- ka- bur- ra sits in the old gum tree. 笑 翠 鳥 站 在 楓 香 樹 上。
- The RA can determine how the processing is done. RA可以決定如何處理。
- Stamp collecting is my favorite activity. 集郵是我最喜愛的消遣。