- Put one's finger into sth. 插手某事,參與某事
- Dip one's finger into sth. 插手某事,參與某事
- Put one's heart into sth. 熱心於(某事),一心一意去做(某事)。
- put one's fingers into something 參與某事
- She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。
- He put his injured finger into his pocket. 他將受傷的手指插入兜子里。
- put one's finger into something 參與某事
- Put one's ability into full play. 讓某人的能力得以充分施展。
- Is it simpler to put one thing into one paradigm? 將一樣東西放在一個範例中是不是更簡單些?
- Put one's finger in one's mouth and make an obscene noise. 伸指入嘴作個放屁之聲,表示揶揄的動作也。
- Put one to two spoons of mayonnaise into the egg. 放一湯匙或兩湯匙的蛋黃醬(鹹味沙拉醬也可以)。
- put one's finger(s) into something 插手某事
- He dipped his finger into water. 他把手指浸入水中。
- The professor dips the finger into the cup. 將舉起的手指浸入杯中的混合液體,字幕換成
- On the other hand, DW told DC excitedly that he may start investigating into STH's illegal activites. 另一方面東旭興奮地告訴東哲說,可能會對申泰煥的非法行為進行調查。
- I put one boot on Father Donovan' s chest and held the noose tight. 我一隻腳踩在多諾萬神父的胸上緊緊,手緊緊扯住勒在他脖子上的細線。
- She shot forward under it and reached one deadly finger into Huangfu's midriff. 雙兒腳下一滑,向前摔出,伸指直點皇甫閣小腹。
- No, thanks. I have just put one out. 不,謝謝。我剛熄掉了支。
- Go, jump, dive, fall, etc. Suddenly and with force into sth. 縱身投入,一頭進入。
- He's not the sort of man you can put one over on. 他可不是能用花言巧語打動的人。