Safe in a Pullman , I have whirled through the g1oomy, Godforsaken villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malarious tidewater hamlets of Georgia. 我曾安安穩穩地坐著普爾曼卧車,周遊了衣阿華州和堪薩斯州那些昏暗凄涼的村鎮以及喬治亞州那些烏煙瘴氣的沿海漁村。
用作名詞 (n.)
Nobody regards Pullman as a real home. 沒有一個人把普爾曼城看成是自己真正的家。
In the Pullman area, it is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb. 在普爾曼地區,坐在路邊喝從酒桶里接下來的啤酒是違法的。