- What are accurate PMAs (Primary Market Area) for my network? 我公司零售網路的PMA(主營市場區域)應該如何精確劃分?
- This also reflects the current dominance of primary market activity. 這種情況也反映出現時以一手市場交投為主的趨勢。
- To receive and accept an allotment of securities in the primary market. 指在初級市場接受獲分配的證券。
- They tend to see the primary market as murky, time-consuming and hierarchical. 他們認為一級市場骯髒、費時而又存在等級觀念。
- Primary Market The market in which investors have the first opportunity to buy a newly issued security. 初級市場投資者有機會購買新發行證券的市場。
- The issue will be divided into two portions for allocation in the primary market. 是次債券分作兩部份發行。
- Investment banks are the principal underwriters for initial public offerings in the primary market. 投資銀行是在一級市場首次公開招股的主要包銷商。
- In the primary market, the price curve, sometimes up in, but if we remove the mansion, is the decline. 一手樓市場的價格曲線,有的時候是在漲,但如果把豪宅去掉的話,是下跌的。」
- Transactions between an initial borrower and a lender are called primary market transactions. 最初借款人和放款人之間的交易稱為初級市場交易。
- In the mid and late stages of Tokugawa period, primary market economy began to develop extensively. 在德川中後期,初級市場經濟呈現規模發展趨勢,日本封建社會孕育了自己的資本主義「萌芽」。
- These days the resale of contemporary art helps to inject cash into the primary market. 這些天當代藝術品轉售所得的收益為一級市場帶來了大量資金。
- It competes primarily with the Nikon F series and its successors, and holds the primary market share in most countries. 它的競爭對手主要是尼康F系列和它的繼任者,並持有初級市場份額,在大多數國家。
- Primary market refers to the market in which securities are issued and sold for the first time, usually directly from the issuers to the investors. 第一市場指證券首次發行及出售的市場,通常是由發行人直出售予投資者。
- This report covers ALL 16 West European countries , providing complete in-depth coverage - no gaps or omissions - based on FFTs international food and drink markets database, now in its 20th year. 報道覆蓋了整個16個西歐國家,提供了全部數據-深入報導-沒有空白和遺漏,這項報告以20年的國際食品飲品市場數據為依據。
- NASDAQ is the primary market for trading NASDAQ-listed stocks as well as a leading liquidity pool for trading NYSE-listed stocks. 納斯達克是涉及一手市場交易納斯達克上市的股票以及領導流動資金池交易在紐約證券交易所上市的股票。
- However, despite the popularity of retail bonds in the primary market, liquidity in the secondary market is generally low. 然而,雖然零售債券在一手市場廣受歡迎,但在二手市場的流通性普遍偏低。
- If the after-listing market for shares dries up and there is no one to flip to, the primary market may evaporate as well. 如果跟著上市的股票市場乾涸了,也沒有人再投進來,這樣一級市場也會幹涸。
- Dec08 -0.4% YoY). 2008 whole year saw primary market sales volume -20.3% YoY, and idle GFA +23.3% YoY. 2) New house price -0.3% MoM and -1.4% YoY (vs. 去年全年一手房市場成交量同比減少20.;3%25,建築面積同比增加23
- Japan since GTF move Pazhou Exhibition Center, Pazhou most primary market positioning is close to Exhibition economy, a full commercial customer base. 日自從廣交會遷入琶洲會展中心后,琶洲大部分一手樓盤的定位都貼近會展經濟,全力開拓商務客戶群。
- Access for retail investors to the primary market of debt, not necessarily restricted to Exchange Fund Notes, is, of course, only part of our continuing efforts. 開放讓一般投資者參與債券市場的一手市場,當然只是我們日後努力工作的其中一部分,而且並不一定局限於外匯基金債券。