- The mobile SATCOM command post in exercise. 在演習中的機動SATCOM指揮站。
- The command post was set up in a forward position. 指揮部設在前沿陣地上。
- If the command post is weak,the operations cannot be effective. 指揮部不強,作戰就沒有力量。
- If the command post is weak, the operations cannot be effective. 指揮部不強,作戰就沒有力量。
- Marshell: So you followed Lt. Col. Cassidy to his command post? 馬歇爾:於是你就跟著卡西地到了他的指揮所了?
- During this mission, the command post is functioning prominently. 此次任務中,指揮部的作用尤為突出。
- On devices such as mobile phones and palmtops, menus must often be relied upon as a primary command vector. 在手機以及其他掌上設備上,菜單是一種主要的命令途徑。
- The Master should have an alternative command post apart from the bridge. 船長應該有除了駕駛台外的第指揮場所。
- Where is your battalion commanding post? 營指揮部在什麼地方?
- Incident Command Post being set up in a good location using Ops-1 and A-1. 事故指揮部由Ops-1和A-1的車輛在一正確位置上搭建起來。
- It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post. 也許需要運行指揮所改變為事故指揮部。
- The Port Authority command post consists of nothing more than a huddle of tin trailers. 港務局的指揮中心就是由一堆拖車組建而成。
- The bayonet squad made a surprise attack and wiped out the enemy's command post. 尖刀班出奇制勝,搗毀了敵人指揮部。
- The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts. 剛才一個人影閃現在我面前。
- Appear to have good communication between each ALE as well with other authorities such as Command Post and Memphis PD. 每一個機場執法部門間以及同其他部門之間表現出良好的通訊狀況,例如同指揮所和孟菲斯警察局。
- The ALE was directed from the Command Post to establish the Triage area approximately 50 yards west of the crash site. 執法部門接受指揮所指令,在墜機地點以西50碼的地方搭建傷檢分類區域。
- Once the scene was assessed the ALE personnel then established the Triage area with assistance of the command post. 一旦現場被勘察后,執法人員緊接著在指揮所的協助下搭建傷檢分類區。
- Smith flew to Hungnam by helicopter and occupied the new command post at about 1100. 史密斯乘直升機飛到興南,並大約在11點左右建立起了新的指揮部。
- At 1030, General Smith closed his command post at Koto-ri and flew to his rear command post at Hungnam. 到了10時30分,史密斯關閉了他在古土裡的司令部飛往他在興南的後方司令部。
- John W Shockley 等. Developing an HLA Virtual Command Post[J]. SIMULATION, 1999, 73:5, 273-280. 郝江波等.;基於HLA的分佈交互模擬應用系統開發研究[J]