- Adam Di Carlo是Potato發布時期的boot-floppies的維護者。Adam Di Carlo was the maintainer of the boot-floppies during the period of the Potato release.
- Adrian Bunk提供了一些i386 potato上的軟體包,兼容於2.4.x版的核心。Adrian Bunk has provided a set of packages for i386 Potato systems which provide compatibility for Linux Kernel 2.4. X.
- 感謝Bill Bennet,The ComputerHelpGuy,他捐獻了Potato正式光碟給Debian boot-floppies團隊。Thanks to Bill Bennet, The ComputerHelperGuy, for his donation of Potato official CDs to the Debian boot-floppies team.
- 目的構建犬賈第蟲病毒(Giardia canis virus,GCV)轉染載體。Objective To construct Giardia canis virus(GCV) transfection vector.
- 此版本開發代號「土豆」(potato),開發歷時十八個月,並經過了幾千位用戶及開發人員的廣泛測試。This release has been in development for approximately 18 months, and has been extensively tested by several thousand end-users and developers.
- 表示由當前Type實現或繼承的所有介面的Type對象數組。An array of Type objects representing all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type.
- 在早期,植物病理學家把任何侵染性病害的因子,都叫做『virus』。In the early days, pathologists called any agent of infectious disease 'virus'.
- Type-A半群Type-A semigroups
- 在早期,植物病理學家把任何侵染性病害的因子,都叫做『virus』。In the early days, pathologists called any agent of infectious disease "virus".
- Type-2模糊集Tpye-2 Fuzzy Set
- VB100測試獎是由《病毒公告》(Virus Bulletin)雜誌頒發的。VB100 award is given by Virus Bulletin magazine.
- Type-Ⅱ模糊集Type-Ⅱ Fuzzy Sets
- Virus Cleaner也能夠幫您。Virus Cleaner may help you as well.
- 大家可能猜想有一個名為「type」的關鍵字。You might expect there to be a keyword called "type," and that certainly would have made sense.
- 禽腦脊髓炎病毒(Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus,AEV)是一種小RNA病毒。Avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) is a picornavirus with a predilection for the central nervous system and other parenchymous organs of chickens that is transmited by the oral-faecal route.
- Type-2模糊系統Type -2 fuzzy logical system
- 目的了解廣州腹瀉兒童是否存在扎幌樣病毒(Sapporo-like virus,SLV)感染。Objective To verify the presence of Sapporo-like virus (SLV) in children with diarrhea in Guangzhou.
- TypeⅢ分泌系統TypeⅢ secretion systems
- 淋巴囊腫病毒(Lymphocystis disease virus)核酸疫苗的免疫效果評價及安全性研究The Research about Protective Efficiency and Safety of DNA Vaccine Against Lymphocystis Disease Virus (LCDV)